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Poll: Look at Naruto and tell me do you think he's hot? Vote Now!
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Joined 10-18-09, id: 2119478, Profile Updated: 02-06-11
Author has written 2 stories for Naruto.

I love Naruto but not original Naruto anymore. I love the person that Naruto might become if he follow the lead of darkness. Naruto is cool, handsome in my eyes but he's not cruel. How can he survive until now? Because of love? It sucks. I won't accept it anymore. I will open a new path for him. Will you continue watching him like this? I think if you read my profile, you will.

I'm looking for a beta btw, I sucks. I write as a way to improve my english, so do anyone want to help me?

List of what I do not like in Naruto:

1. Sasuke: I hate Kishi but I even hate Sasuke more. He's not cool or handsome or smart. He is an arrogant boy who has no brain. He thinks he's poor, sorry, you're not the only one in the world. He hurts Naruto, oh yeah, I want to kill him because of this. Sometimes, I want to rips him apart. I think he is a good-for-nothing kid. He is the most irresponsible in the world. In my eyes, he is the ugliest. I can't understand what others see in him. He is a useless child. If you read a story of Kim Dung, a successful writer about swashbuckling novel, you could see the connection between him and a character named Lam Binh Chi, who cut his own penis for revenge, Sasuke was the same types, stupid.

2. Kishimoto: I hate him because of Naruto. I love Naruto but he is too soft. He allows others to hurt him. I can't accept that. How could he be such a fool? It is all because of Kishi. Sometimes, I want him to die so he could not finish the story. I hate him for creating Sasuke, who hurts Naruto the most.

3. Kakashi: that arrogant teacher. You are good but you are not the best, Kakashi. He pushs Naruto to others so he has time to spend on Sasuke, the genius. I don't care what he says, he just indulges.

4. Sakura: A bitch!!! A whore!!! A slut!!!

5. Naruto- the story itself: for being really really bad that I regret to read it.

It is not the list of what I do not like in Naruto. It's why I hate the story about Naruto. It sucks, it might be not before but it is, now.

I still love the boy named Naruto. That's why I still use this way to express my feelings for him.

Thank you for reading.

Oh, I found this I agree totally:

I absolutely hate Sasuke's guts. Reason's are :

1. Suck it up princess, you're not the only one whose in pain.
2. He killed Itachi, nuff said. :(
3. All I hear is Vengeance, revenge blah blah, put a cork in it.
and 4. He annoy me from the start anyways, Sasuke, your looks dont fool anyone.

I hate Sakura, she's like, the PMSing bitch of every women, Moodswing much. :/

and then Karin. I just wish i could slap her across the face, literally, Kishi shoulda let it be so she would die in Sasuke's hand, serve her right.

sasuke... a stupid foolish, naive boy. I think his head is just full of revenge and more revenge. maybe if he can truly successes in destroying konoha, he will just look to other thing to be blamed and revenged. just like a crybaby child.

I don't really hate anyone, but I highly dislike Sasuke. His character is just set up to be a massive fail. He's selfish, emotionless and acts like he's the only one who has ever experinced pain. So damn aggravating.

Sasuke is a drama queen. Cry. Me. A. Fucking. River.

okay so i dislike sakura she's so annoying also saskue i wish he'd just grow up and stop complaining about everything thats gone bad for him!!!!

Sasuke: because despite all that power, he is a bit of an idiot. He takes others' words for the truth. I mean I get why it was so easy for Itachi to manipulate him as a child but for Madara, to easily tell him something and have him believe it? Ultimately, he's a child with an AK-47 - willing to shoot everybody down in a temper.

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