Author has written 114 stories for Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, Harry Potter, History Boys, Misc. Movies, Chronicles of Narnia, and Misc. Books. I first read The Lord of the Rings some 20+ years ago... but was content to stick with Tolkien's own writing until spring of 2002, when I thought I'd try my hand at filling in a gap or two. Since then the plotbunnies have been multiplying thick and fast under my desk. Beating them off with a stick doesn't seem to help, and they are now demanding that I write Harry Potter fiction as well. I have also been intermittently distracted by pirates since the summer of 2003, to such an extent that Zwarte Parel has posted some work - the non-adult stories can be found under that name here on , the adult stories are easily findable through my home page. As always I have more Works in Progress than I'm happy with. If a given story hasn't been updated in over four months, my muse has gone on holiday, but that doesn't mean I won't someday get back to it and finish... or so I hope. Standard disclaimer for all my LotR- and Silmarillion-based work: Most of the persons, places, and some of the events referred to are the property of the Tolkien Estate. I write solely in admiration, with no intention of intellectual theft, and I profit from this in no way, shape, or form. Similarly, for Harry Potter-based work, the original is J. K. Rowling's and I profit in no manner from it. I truly appreciate reviews, especially thoughtful ones. Critique is good; it is difficult to step back from a story and see where it doesn't work. Please do tell me what you like, what you don't like, whatever. If you prefer not to review publicly, or have a specific question you want me to answer directly, then by all means use e-mail. Flames, however, are ignored. Finally, I am usually happy to have any of these fics archived, but please, e-mail me first for permission. Thanks for reading! Celandine |