Mystery Morgan
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Joined 10-12-09, id: 2113167, Profile Updated: 07-20-11
Author has written 1 story for Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

Hi! Some of my favorite books are The Outsiders, the Harry Potter series, The name of this Book is Secret, including the two books that follow after, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and the Gallagher Girls series. I love writing, but I don't like writing English assignments because we never have any good topics. I also love drawing, and horseback riding, which I have been doing that for eight years. I can play five instruments, (violin, piano, cello, guitar, and I'm not even joking when i say i can play the accordian). I doubt you even really care about any of this, but that is OKAY :).

my absolute favorite quote in the world:

"There are two things in this world that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."- Albert Einstein.

╔╗╔═╦╗ put this on your page
║╚╣║║╚╗ if you love to laugh

The Percy Jackson pledge:
I promise to remember Percy
whenever I'm at sea
I promise to remember Annabeth
whenever a spider comes at me
I promise to protect nature
for Grover's sake of course
I promise to remember Luke
when my heart fills with remorse
I promise to remember Chiron
whenever I see a sign that says ''free pony ride''
I promise to remember Tyson
whenever a friend says they'll stick by my side
I promise to remember Thalia
whenever a friend is scared of heights
I promise to remember Clarisse
whenever I see someone that gives me a fright
I promise to remember Bianca
whenever I see a sister scold her younger brother
I promise to remember Nico
whenever I see someone who doesn't get along with others
I promise to remember Zoe
whenever I watch the stars
I promise to remember Rachel
whenever a limo passes my car.
yes I promise to remember PJO
wherever I may go.

NORMAL PEOPLE: rely on their local weatherman for the weather forecast
PJO FANS:will tell Zeus to make it rain


NORMAL PEOPLE: go to a psychiatrist to tell their feelings
PJO FANS:won't go to one because they will take away their awesome demigod powers

NORMAL PEOPLE: say shut up or i'll tell on you!
PJO FANS: say shut up or my godly parent will vaporize you!

NORMAL PEOPLE: think that PJO fans are stupid
PJO FANS: know that normal people are stupid

NORMAL PEOPLE: when being chased yell HELP ME SOMEBODY!
PJO FANS: when being chased use their awesome demigod powers

NORMAL PEOPLE: get nervous/scared during thunderstorms
PJO FANS: yell at Zeus to calm down

NORMAL PEOPLE: would choose somewhere sunny to go for vacation
PJO FANS: would try and find Camp Half Blood

NORMAL PEOPLE:don't have this on their profile
PJO FANS: MUST have this on their profile!

If you are weird, insane, crazy, odd, not-normal, a freak of nature, psychotic, random, or anything similar, post this in your profile

There's nothing wrong with arguing with yourself. It's when you argue with yourself and LOSE when it's weird. If you agree, copy this and put it in your profile

If you guys love to read, copy and paste this on your profile

If you've ever copied and pasted copy and paste this on your profile

If you love rain, copy and paste this into your profile

If you act random most of the time, copy and paste this into your profile

If you've ever wished you could go into a book and strangle some of the characters for being so incredibly dumb, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you've ever tripped, got up, and then fell right back down, copy and paste this to your profile

If you have ever fallen off a chair backwards, copy this into your profile

Admitting you are weird means you are normal. Saying that you are normal is odd. If you admit that you are weird and like it, copy this onto your profile.

If you know there's more to good random humor than saying "cheese", "cookie", or "pie", copy and paste this into your profile.

If you've ever burst out laughing in a quiet room, copy this into your profile

93 percent of American teens would have a severe emotional breakdown if someone called them a freak. If you're a part of the 7 percent who would ask the person, "What was your first clue?", copy this into your profile and add your name to the list: Sunlit Goddess of the C.O.C.A., Moonlit Goddess of the C.O.C.A., Evil Genius of the COCA, Invader Miley Phantom, dAnnYsGiRl777, BloodySalvation, Lady Lost-A-Lot, bellabookworm9, Bella Masen Cullen, Vampire Scooby, Alannaswarrior, SpottedLilly, Alleyanna Cullen, danceswithwings119, gottaluvtwilight,freexflyer, Green.Winged.Mistress, MoonStarWithWings, Yourcool79, MyNameIsCAB, Shatchi, Gabby510, DarkAngel2011, Andre Lord of Fail10, katanakid14, Alessa-Daughter of Athena, Mystery Morgan


have ever just wanted to SLAP someone, copy this onto your profile

If you have a true friend, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you've ever went to see a movie just to make fun of it, copy and paste this onto your profile

If you've ever seen a movie that was better than the book it came from copy and paste this onto your profile

If you've ever been to a movie and DIDN'T buy popcorn copy and paste this onto your profile

If you've ever only talked in movie quotes for more than ten minutes copy and paste this onto your profile

If you're addicted to a book/movie copy and paste this onto your profile

If you ever read past two in the morning, copy and paste this to your profile

If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or pulled the handle on a door that said push copy this into your profile

If you love walking around in the pouring rain without an umbrella, copy this to your profile.

If you read people's profiles looking for things to copy and paste into your profile, copy and paste this into your profile

If you and your friends have a nickname, title, or anything else for each other, copy and paste this in your profile.

If you are a total clutz copy this into your profile.

If you haven't died yet, copy and paste this onto your profile

If you've ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile.

Being weird is like being normal, only better.

Quotes of awesomeness

You cry, I cry, you laugh, I laugh, you fall off a cliff, and I laugh even harder

A wise man once said "I don't know go ask a woman"

It takes 42 muscles to frown, 28 muscles to smile, but only 4 to reach out and slap someone

Don't knock on deaths door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that

Vegetarian: Indian word for 'lousy hunter'.

Boys are like trees – they take fifty years to grow up

Boys are like slinkies – useless but fun to watch fall down the stairs

~Normality will be restored as soon as we figure out what it is.

~Be yourself. That's crazy enough.

~You always get whats coming to you; unless it gets lost in the mail.

~Silence is golden but duct tape is silver. I guess I can settle for second place.

~They say guns don't kill people. People kill people. Well, I think guns help. I mean, if you just stood there and yelled, "BANG!" i don't think you'd kill many people

~Flying is not inherently dangerous- crashing is.

~I have animal magnetism-- when I go outside, squirrels stick to my sleeves.

~The trouble with real life is that there is no background music

~I have not lost my mind; its backed up on a disk somewhere

~Beware the letter 'G'. It is the end of everything.

~Forecast for tonight: darkness

~If you try to fail and succeed, which one did you do?

~I am reading a most interesting book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down.

~Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.

~How come when you mix water with sugar, you get glue and then when you add eggs and sugar you get cake? Where does the glue go?

~If everything seems to be going well, you obviously overlooked something

~Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall through a sewer hole and die.

~Hell is full of musical amateurs

~There is a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line

~I'm not random I just have many thoughts

~I'm the kind of person who walks into a chair and apologizes

~I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it

Love your enemies. It gets them really confused.

If a species is to triumph and prevail, the female of the species must be more deadly than the male.

Don't ever argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you through experience.

To oppose something is to maintain its existence.

If people lead, the leaders will follow.

Some people are born great, some people achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

~If you had a life you would stop talking about mine

~We're not retreating! We're advancing in a different direction!

~Heaven doesn't want me there and Hell knows I'll take over.

~Don't make me angry, I'm running out of places to hide the bodies

~Wanna know how to keep an idiot busy? Take him into a round room and tell him to sit in a corner.

~People are like slinkies. Basically useless and yet its so amusing to watch them fall down stairs

~There is no great genius without a mixture of madness

~When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.

~You, you, and you panic. The rest of you follow me.

~Lately the only thing keeping me from becoming a serial killer is my dislike for manual labor.

~PMS: Every woman's legal right to be a *.

~Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them as much

~If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with nonsense

~One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

~When life gives you lemons make grape juice, lay back, and let the world wonder how you did it.

~I'm mature and you're not. Nah nah nah nah nah nah!

~Eat healthy. Work right. Die anyway.

~I have a dream and in it, something eats you.

~Its always funny until someone gets hurt. Then its hysterical

~My imaginary friend thinks you have serious problems

~If aliens are looking for intelligent life, why the hell are you scared?!

~I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse.

~I know KUNG-FU and 42 other dangerous words

~Me and the gummy bears have a plot to rule the world but shhh its a secret!

~Looking for a perfect girl? Go buy yourself a barbie doll.

~By the time you finished reading this you'll realize you just wasted 5 seconds of your life

~I burst laughing out in class today...I got that joke you told yesterday

~Have you considered suing your brain for non-support?

~I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my *!

~I'd like to leave you with one thought...but I'm not sure you have anywhere to put it!

~Wherever there is life there is love

~Boy break hearts so why don't we break their necks?

~I'm NOT SHORT!! ... I'm fun sized!

~Strawberry Laces! Cause not every kid can afford crack!

~Patience is what parents have when there are witnesses!

~When you call us * we just look at each other and crack up, because we knew that WAAAAAAAAAAY BEFORE YOU DID!

~When a boy tells you to "Suck It!" Just smile and say "Sorry but my mother told me to never put SMALL things in my mouth!"

~Exactly how much fun can I have before I go to hell?

~HELL- Where all the fun people end up!

~I'm smiling cause I'm your sister, I'm laughing cause theres nothing you can do about it!

~When I die, I'm going to haunt the * out of you people!

~ If I had half a mind..I would still be smarter than you!!

~Flying is simple, you just throw yourself at the ground and miss.

~Some say the glass is half full, others the glass is half empty, all I want to know is who's drank my water!

~All people have the right to stupidity but some people abuse the privilege.

~Where there's a will...I want to be in it.

~A clean house is a sign of a broken computer

~I only know how to do things three ways: the right way, the wrong way, and my way... which is the wrong way only faster.

~To catch me you got to be fast, to find me you got to be smart, but to be me? Damn you must be kidding...

~Life isn't about the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away. Like choking.

~Due to recent cutbacks and until further notice, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.

~Ever notice how DYING is at the end of STUDYING?

~When someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles to frown about it but it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and punch the crap out of them.

~Don't you wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There's one marked "brightness," but it doesn't work.

~MENtal pain, MENtal anxiety, MENstrual cramps, MENopause... all our problems start with men!

~Come to the dark side. We have cookies.

~In order to lose your mind, you have to have one in the first place.

For people that hate stereotypes: If you think people should just shut up and stop, put this on your profile. (BOLD the ones you are.)

I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists. I'm a NEGRO so I MUST carry a gun.
I'm BLONDE, so I MUST be a ditz
I'm JAMAICAN so I MUST smoke weed.
I'm HAITIAN so I MUST eat cat.
I'm ASIAN, so I MUST be sexy.
I'm JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy.
I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS.
I'm a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape.
I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist.
I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch.
I'm a CHRISTAN, so I MUST think gay people should go to hell.
I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat.
I'm ATHEIST so I MUST hate the world.
I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals
I'm REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people.
I'm DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible.
I am LIBERAL, so I MUST be gay.
I TAKE (or used to take) ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, so I MUST be crazy.
I'm a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants.
I'm IRISH, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem.
I'm INDIAN, so I MUST own a convenient store.
I'm NATIVE AMERICAN, so I MUST dance around a fire screaming like a savage.
I'm a CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be a whore...
I'm a DANCER, So I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore
I wear SKIRTS a lot, so I MUST be a slut.
I'm a PUNK, so I MUST do drugs.
I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob.
I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo.
I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend.
I'm CUBAN, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars.
I'm NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy.
I FELL IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED MAN, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore.
I'm a TEENAGE MOM, so I MUST be an irresponsible slut.
I'm POLISH, so I MUST wear my socks with my sandals
I'm ITALIAN, so I must have a "big one".
I'm EGYPTIAN, so I must be a TERRORIST!
I'm PRETTY, so I MUST not be a virgin.
I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life.
I'm INTO THEATER & ART, so I MUST be a homosexual.
I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist. I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be fucking them all.
I have Big BOOBS, so I MUST be a hoe.
I'm COLOMBIAN, so I MUST be a drug dealer.
I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser.
I'm RUSSIAN, so I MUST be cool and thats how Russians roll.
I'm GERMAN, so I must be a Nazi.
I hang out with GAYS, so i must be GAY TOO
I'm SALVADORIAN, so I MUST be in MS 13
I'm POLISH, so I MUST be greedy
I'm HAWAIIAN so I MUST be lazy
I'm PERUVIAN, so I MUST like llamas
Im a STONER so I MUST be going in the wrong direction Im STRAIGHT EDGE so I must be violent.
I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy.
I'm BLACK so I MUST love fried chicken and kool-aid.
I'm a GIRL who actually EATS LUNCH, so I MUST be fat.
I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly.
I'm a SKATER so I must do weed and steal stuff
I'm a PUNK so I must only wear black and date only other punks
I'm ASIAN so I must be a NERD that does HOMEWORK 24/7
I'm MIXED so I must be screwed up.
I'm MUSLIM so I MUST be a terrorist.
I'm in BAND, so I MUST be a dork. (orchestra actually, but whatever)
I'm BLACK so I MUST believe JESUS WUZ A BROTHA.. I'm MORMON so I MUST be perfect
I'm WHITE and have black friends so I MUST think I'm black
I'm GOTH so I MUST worship the devil.
I'm HISPANIC, so I MUST be dirty.
I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control.
I'm PREPPY, so I MUST shun those who don't wear Abercrombie & Hollister.
I'm on a DANCE team, so I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore.
I'm YOUNG, so I MUST be naive.
I'm MEXICAN, so I MUST have hopped the border.
I GOT A CAR FOR MY BIRTHDAY, so I MUST be a spoiled brat.
I'm BLACK, so I MUST love watermelon
I'm BI, so I MUST think every person I see is hot. I'm an ASIAN GUY, so I MUST have a small penis.
I'm a GUY CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be gay.
I'm a PREP, so I MUST be rich.
I don't like the SUN so I MUST be an albino.
I have a lot of FRIENDS, so I MUST love to drink and party.
I wear tight PANTS and I'm a guy, so I MUST be emo.
I couldn't hurt a FLY, So I MUST be a pussy.
I support GAY RIGHTS, so I MUST fit in with everyone.
I hang out with teenage drinkers and smokers, so I MUST smoke and drink too.
I have ARTISTIC TALENT, so I MUST think little of those who don't.
I don't like to be in a BIG GROUP, so I MUST be anti-social...
I have a DIFFERENT sense of HUMOR, so I MUST be crazy.
I tell people OFF, so I MUST be an over controlling bitch.
My hair gets GREASY a lot, so I MUST have no hygiene skills.
I'm DEFENSIVE, so I MUST be over controlling and a bitch.
I'm a NUDIST, so I MUST want everyone to see my boobs.
I read Comics, so I MUST be a loser.
I hang out with a FORMER PROSTITUTE.. So I MUST be a whore myself.
I'm TEXAN so I MUST ride a horse
I’m a CROSSDRESSER, so I must be homosexual.
I draw ANIME so I MUST be a freak.
I am a FANGIRL so I MUST be a crazy, obsessed stalker
I'm an ONLY CHILD so I MUST be spoiled.
I'm INTELLIGENT so I MUST be weak.
I am AMERICAN so I MUST be obese, loud-mouthed and arrogant.
I'm WELSH so I MUST love sheep
I’m a YOUNG WRITER, so I MUST be emo.
I'm a GUY, so I MUST ditch my pregnant girlfriend.
I'm DISABLED, so I MUST be on Welfare.
I'm a FEMINIST, so I MUST have a problem with sexuality and I want to castrate every man on the earth.
I WEAR A BIG SUNHAT when I go outside, so I MUST be stupid.
I'm an ALBINO, so I MUST be an evil person with mental abilities and is A MURDERER!
I'm ENGLISH, so I MUST speak with either a cockney or a posh accent, love tea and cricket, and have bad teeth.
I’m WHITE, so I MUST be responsible for everything going wrong on the planet: past, present, and future.
I’m not the most POPULAR person in school, so I MUST be a loser
I care about the ENVIRONMENT...I MUST be a tree hugging hippy
I have a FAN CHARACTER, so I MUST be an annoying Mary-sue.
I CHAT, I MUST be having cyber sex.
I'm PAGAN so I MUST sacrifice babies and drink the blood of virgins
I'm PAGAN so I MUST worship Satan
I'm CONSERVATIVE, so I MUST be against Abortion
I'm SWEDISH so I MUST be a tall blond blue-eyed lesbian.
I'm a LESBIAN so I MUST want to get with every single girl that I see.
I like READING, so I MUST be a LONER
I have my OWN spiritual ideology; therefore I MUST be WRONG or MISGUIDED.
I DISAGREE with my government, so I MUST be a TERRORIST.
I am a WITCH, so I MUST be and OLD HAG and fly on a broomstick.
I love YAOI, so I MUST be GAY.
I DON'T CURSE, so I MUST be an outcast
I like GAMES, ANIME and COMICS, so I MUST be childish
I'm SWEDISH, therefore I MUST be WHITE.
I SPOT GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, so I MUST be a pedantic bastard.
I'm GOTHIC, so I MUST be mean.
I’m STRONG so I MUST be stupid.
I'm Australian so I MUST hunt crocodiles and talk to kangaroo’s
I go to RENFAIRES, so I MUST talk weird, be a loser, and not be up with the times
I’m GAY so I’m after EVERY straight guy around.
I don’t want a BOYFRIEND so I MUST be Lesbian.
I'm NOT CHRISTIAN so I MUST just need converting.
I love marching band, so I MUST be a friendless freak.
I DRINK and SMOKE, so I MUST have no life.
I am friends with a CUTTER, so I MUST be a CUTTER too.
I cry easily, so I MUST be a wimp.
I'm a PERFECTIONIST so I MUST check everything ten times, them burst into tears at one mistake
I DON'T LIKE to talk about my personal life so I MUST be having problems
I’m HOMESCHOOLED so I MUST be a SOCIAL REJECT with no friends, or a SPELLING BEE winner.
I used to CUT so I'm EMO

I was walking around in a Target store, when I saw a Cashier hand this little boy some money back.

The boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old.

The Cashier said, 'I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll.'

Then the little boy turned to the old woman next to him: ''Granny, are you sure I don't have enough money?''

The old lady replied: ''You know that you don't have enough money to buy this doll, my dear.''

Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to.

'It's the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much for Christmas.

She was sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her.'

I replied to him that maybe Santa Claus would bring it to her after all, and not to worry.

But he replied to me sadly. 'No, Santa Claus can't bring it to her where she is now. I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there.'

His eyes were so sad while saying this. 'My Sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister.''

My heart nearly stopped.

The little boy looked up at me and said: 'I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall.'

Then he showed me a very nice photo of him where he was laughing. He then told me 'I want mommy to take my picture with her so she won't forget me.'

'I love my mommy and I wish she doesn't have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister.'

Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes, very quietly.

I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy. 'Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enough money for the doll?''

'OK' he said, 'I hope I do have enough.' I added some of my money to his with out him seeing and we started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money.

The little boy said: 'Thank you God for giving me enough money!'

Then he looked at me and added, 'I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough money to buy this doll, so that mommy could give It to my sister. He heard me!''

'I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose.''

'My mommy loves white roses.'

A few minutes later, the old lady returned and I left with my basket.

I finished my shopping in a totally different state from when I started.

I couldn't get the little boy out of my mind.

Then I remembered a local news paper article two days ago, which mentioned a drunk man in a truck, who hit a car occupied by a young woman and a little girl.

The little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical state. The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the life-sustaining machine, because the young woman would not be able to recover from the coma.

Was this the family of the little boy?

Two days after this encounter with the little boy, I read in the news paper that the young woman had passed away.

I couldn't stop myself as I bought a bunch of white roses and I went to the funeral home where the body of the young woman was exposed for people to see and make last wishes before her burial.

She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her chest.

I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that my life had been changed for ever. The love that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is still, to this day, hard to imagine.

And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.

Now you have 2 choices:

1) Repost this message, or
2) Ignore it as if it never touched your heart.

A friend will comfort you when he rejects you, Best Friend well go up to him and say "It's because you're gay, isn't it?"

A friend will be there for you when he dumps you,Best Friend will call him and whisper "Seven days..."

A friend will help you up when you fall, Best Friend will laugh because she tripped me.

A friend helps you find you're prince charming, Best Friend kidnaps him and brings him to you.

A friend gives you there umbrella in the rain, Best Friend takes yours and runs away.

A friend helps you move, Best Friend helps you move the bodies

A friend well bail you out of jail, Best Friend is siting next to you saying "That was Awesome!! Lets do it again!!"

A friend knows a lot of things about you, Best Friend could right a very imbarrassing biograph of your live.

A friend will teach me how to drive, Best Friend will help me push the car in the lake so i can collect insurence.

A friend will go to the concert with me, Best Friend will kidnap the band with me.

A friend will hide me from the cops, Best Friend is the reason there after me.

A friend will let me make a foll of myself in public, Best Friend is makeing a foll of herself next to me.

Friends Fade, Best Friends are forever.

A teenage girl about 17 named Diane had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away.

As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely.

The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one question. Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her." Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98 of teenagers will not stand up for God, and 93 of the people that read this won’t repost it

Calling me FAKE won't make you REAL,

Calling me STUPID won't make you SMART,

Calling me WEAK won't make you STRONG,

Calling me UGLY won't make you PRETTY,

Calling me POOR won't make you RICH,

Calling me FAT won’t make you PERFECT,

Calling me UNCOOL won’t make you COOL.

So why bother?

Month one

I am only 8 inches long
but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it
I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat
is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two

today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three

You know what Mommy
I'm a boy!!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too
and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.

Month Four

my hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine
but I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
and stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.

Month Five

You went to the doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I'm not a baby.
I am a baby Mommy, your baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what's abortion?

Month Six

I can hear that doctor again.
I don't like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
Mommy what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it!
Mommy! HELP me!

Month Seven

I am okay.
I am in Jesus's arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn't you want me Mommy?

Every Abortion Is Just . . .

One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.

If you're against abortion, re-post this

Why America has some issues...

1. Only in America can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.

2. Only in America are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink.

3. Only in America do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.

4. Only in America do people order double cheeseburgers,l arge fries, and a diet coke.

5. Only in America do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.

6. Only in America are there people who leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.

7. Only in America are there people who use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place.

8. Only in America are there people who buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.

9. Only in America are there people who use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'

10. Only in America are there people who have drive-up ATM's with Braille lettering.

Ways to make sure you're insane

At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. see if they slow down.

Page yourself over the intercom. don't disguise your voice.

Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.

Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.

Finish all your sentences with "In accordance with the prophecy"

Ask your dog if it's comfortable with it's name. Repeat with cat, until people ask if you're alright.

As often as possible, skip rather than walk

Specify that your drive-through order is "to go"

Sing along at the opera.

Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme

Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because your not in the mood.

When the money comes out of the ATM, scream "I WON! I WON!"

When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot yelling, "Run for your lives! they're loose


You talk to yourself a lot.

You talk to yourself about talking to yourself. (e.g. 'Why do I constantly ask my self random things?')

When you talk to yourself you often talk to yourself like you're talking to someone else. (e.g. 'Have you ever noticed that deliver could mean someone's liver?')

After uttering a profound piece of wisdom like that above, you stare at the cookie in your hand with awe and say, "Wow,this stuff is great for sugar highs...'

You live off of sugar and caffeine (the two greatest things ever discovered!)

You'll check your e-mail every day of the week and then disappear off the face of the earth.

You're e-mails tend to be pages long and incredibly random.

When replying to an e-mail, you'll never actually address the point of it.

You tend to collect Bic Stics off the ground like picking pennies off the ground.

No matter where you are in a room you never have to get up to find a pen/pencil and paper.

The letters on your keyboard are wearing off.

Your friends and family think that you have carpal tunnel syndrome.

People think you have A.D.D.

You think it'd be cool to have A.D.D.

You constantly start talking in third person, present or past tense.

You start thinking about making lists like this and start giggling for no "apparent" reason

Your friends stopped looking at you funny when you laugh for no apparent reason a loooooong time ago.

And FINALLY, the one way to tell if you're a good writer: You failed English 101.

(copy that into you're profile if you fit one or more of the descriptions)

pick up line comebacks, add to it

Man: Where have you been all my life?
Woman: Hiding from you.

Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before?
Woman: Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore.

Man: Is this seat empty?
Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.

Man: Your place or mine?
Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I'll go to mine.

Man: So, what do you do for a living?
Woman: I'm a female impersonator.

Man: Hey baby, what's your sign?
Woman: Do not enter.

Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning?
Woman: Unfertilized.

Man: Your body is like a temple.
Woman: Sorry, there are no services today.

Man: I would go to the end of the world for you.
Woman: But would you stay there?

Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
Woman: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.

Man: If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put u and i together
Woman: Really, I'd put f and u together

Man: Your eyes they're amazing.
Woman: Seeing your back would be pretty amazing.

Man: I've been an idiot
Woman: You finally noticed?

are like
apples on trees.
The best ones are
at the top of the tree.The
boys dont want to reach
for the good ones because they
are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples
from the ground that aren't as good,
but easy. So the apples at the top think
something is wrong with them, when in
reality, they're amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to
come along, the one who's
brave enough to
climb all
the way to the top (This posted itself oddly, sorry)

The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...
Post this on your profile if you hate racism.

like cheese. I have seen purple cows. If two gooses are geese, then why aren't two moose meese, or when two foots are feet, why aren't two footballs feetball? Milk tastes funny if you leave it out for too long. People call me crazy, but I'm just random! If you're random and proud of it, copy and paste this in your profile!

This is this cat

This is is cat

This is how cat

This is to cat

This is keep cat

This is a cat

This is retard cat

This is busy cat

This is for cat

This is forty cat

This is seconds cat

Now read the THIRD word of ever line(HAH! Copy this into your profile if you find this funny)

If you like chocolate as much as I do copy this in your profile

If you hate those obnoxious, snobby, preppy people PLEASE copy this in your profile

Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, IwuvMyKenshyPoo, Heidiplease, iNsOmNiAc BiLlIe JoE lOvEr, Black Panther Warrior, kailover 2006. Vendetta-Rose, glitteredvixen06, SuicidalBeyblader, RockPopnMetal007, SakuraDemonQueen,WolfFang of LeafClan, McKenzie8463, Mystery Morgan,


If you can read this message, you are blessed, because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all

If you have ever walked into a room then forgot what you were doing, then started walking away and remembered copy this into your profile. A lot!

If you think that being unique is better than being cool then put this on your profile.

If you think Barney is a overgrown, purple, extinct, baby singer, dinosaur, Copy and past this on your profile.

If you want to learn Japanese, copy/paste this into your profile.

If you're against animal cruelty (horse slaughter, bear bating, dolphin hunting, chimp slavery etc.) then copy this into your profile!

I want child abuse to stop, and if you do, too, copy and paste this onto your profile.

65 percent of Teenagers spend more time watching TV rather then read, if you are part of the 35 percent who read more than watch TV then cut and paste this to your Profile.

If you have ever fallen up the stairs, put this in your profile.

92 of teens would die if Abercrombie and Fitch or American Eagle said it was uncool to breathe. if you are part of the 8 that would stand there and laugh, copy and paste this into your profile

If people think you are mentally insane...copy and paste this onto your profile.

If they are right... copy and paste this into your profile.

If you are obsessed with fanfiction copy this into your profile.

If you know someone who should be run over by a bus put this on your profile.

My best friend is insane! If you agree, or if you have an insane friend, then copy this to your profile

If you don't have a problem with homosexuality, copy this into your profile.

If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this to your profile.

98 percent of teenagers have do or has tried smoking pot. If you are part of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy this to your profile

most people start smoking at ages this to your profile if you want pie.

If you realize that copying and pasting things into your profile is pointless, yet you do it anyways, copy and paste this into your profile. It's fun...

you think that being unique is better than being cool then put this on your profile.

98 of the internet population has a Myspace. If you're part of the 2 that can resist stupid fads, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you’ve ever made faces in front of a security camera then paste this in your profile

If you are against racism, COPY THIS ONTO YOUR PROFILE. The only race is humanity.

My name is Tiffany, I am three,
My eyes are swollen, I cannot see,

I must be stupid; I must be bad,
What else could have made, My daddy so mad?

I wish I were better, I wish I weren’t ugly,
Then maybe my mommy, would still want to hug me,

I can’t do a wrong, I can’t speak at all,
Or else im locked up, All day long,

When im awake im all alone,
The house is dark, My folks aren’t home,

When my mommy does come home, I'll try and be nice,
So maybe I'll just get, One whipping tonight,

I just heard a car, My daddy is back,
From Charlie’s bar,

I try to hide, From his evil eyes,
I’m so afraid now, I’m starting to cry,

He finds me weeping, Calls me ugly words,
He says it’s my fault, He suffers at work,

He slaps and hits me, and yells at me more,
I finally get free, And run to the door,

He’s already locked it, And I start to bawl,
He takes me and throws me, Hard against the wall,

I fall to the floor, With my bones nearly broken,
And my daddy continues, With more bad words spoken,

"I’m sorry!", I scream, But its now much to late,
His face has been twisted, Into a unimaginable shape,

The hurt and the pain, Again and again,
O please God, have mercy! O please let it end!

And he finally stops, and heads for the door,
While I lay there motionless, Sprawled on the floor,

My name is tiffany, I am three,
Tonight my daddy, Murdered me

You can help to stop this for others.
And if you read this and don’t pass it on
I pray for your forgiveness because you would have to be
One heartless person to not be effected
By this poem and because you are effected,
Do something about it! So all I ask you to do
Is pass this on! If you are against child abuse.


1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished

2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of
next week!"

4. My mother taught me LOGIC.
"Because I said so, that's why."

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
"If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the
store with me."

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
"Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

7. My mother taught t me IRONY.
"Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about."

8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.
"Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
"Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck?"

10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."

11. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
"This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
"If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!"

13. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.
"Stop acting like your father!"

15. My mother taught me about ENVY.
"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't
have wonderful parents like you do."

16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
"Just wait until we get home."

17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
"You are going to get it when you get home!"

18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that

19. My mother taught me ESP.
"Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

20. My mother taught me HUMOR.
"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

22. My mother taught me GENETICS.
"You're just like your father."

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
"Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"

24. My mother taught me WISDOM.
"When you get to be my age, you'll understand."

25. And my favourite: My mother taught me about JUSTICE.
"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"


I got this from Randomitis Sufferer, who got it from BellaRide28. This is so true:

One of my best friends died recently; I'm really upset. He was such a great guy and I miss him. Maybe you knew of him. Most people did. I hope it wasn't you who contributed to his death, otherwise I shall dispatch a vicious band of lions to disembowel you. Okay, I don't have a troupe of lions at my disposal, but I can find one, trust me. My friend was a paragon of amazing. His name was Common Sense. I am sorry to inform you of his demise. Mourn with me.

Dearly beloved…we gather here to say our goodbyes. Here he lies…

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place.

Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate and teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.

It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Panadol, sun lotion or a sticky plaster to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar can sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I'm A Victim.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

Rest In Peace, my old friend.

Choose your favourite characters

1:Ron Weasley

2. Zach Goode

3:Johnny Cade

4:Travis Stoll

5;Luna Lovegood

6. Neville Longbottom

7:Cammie Morgan


9.Bex Baxter

10. Annabeth Chase

1. Have you ever read a One/Four romance? Would you?
(Ron/Travis) No, and I hopefully never will.

2. What would your reaction be if Six wanted to go out with Ten?
(Neville/Annabeth) ...awkward!

3. What would be the decription for an Eight/Three fic?
(Nico/Johnny) Nico's off sulking, when he meets a strange boy Once he learns this kid Johnny's story, maybe he'll appreciate what he has more.

4. What genre would you pick for a fic involving Two, Five, and Nine?
(Zach/Luna/Bex) ...anything but romance. Probably humor.

5. If Seven played a sport, what would it be?
(Cammie) Does hide and seek count? She'd be amazing at that.

6. Where would Two and Four go if they were dating?
(Zach/Travis) they WOULDN'T

7. Do you or anyone you know think that Six is hot?
(Neville) In the eight Harry Potter movie yes.

8. Would you read an Eight/Five fic?

(Nico/ Luna) Yes, I think it would be really interesting.

9. What would the warning be on a Ten/Seven fic?
(Annabeth/Cammie) Warning: this MAY cause your mind to implode.

10. Four is in a happy relationship with Nine, until Nine runs off to marry Five. Four is in a brief, unhappy relationship with Eight until Eight cheats on Four with Two. Four finally takes the advice of One and settles into a happy relatonship with Three.

Travis is in a happy relationship with Bex, until bex runs off to marry Luna. Travis is in a brief, unhappy relationship with Nico until Nico cheats on Travis with Zach. Travis finally takes the advise of Ron and settles into a happy relationship with Johnny.

mind implosion ^

HP Test


Weasley? Fred & George or Ron

Character, Overall? Luna Lovegood

Female Character? Luna Lovegood

Male Charcter? Ron

Group Of Characters? Marauders

Adult? Lupin

Professor? Lupin

Ship? Ron/Hermione

Non-Canon Ship? Neville/Luna

Spell? Reparo

Sweet? Chocolate Frog

Place? the Room of Requirement

Weasley Twin? Fred

Product? A wand

Shop? Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes!!

Couples? What Do You Think?

Ron/Hermione? Yes. Yes. YE. I love them. And for people who think they shouldn't be together because they don't seem compatible, I'm not trying to disrespect your opninions, but there are tons of facts as to why they SHOULD be together.

Harry/Hermione? Heck no

Harry/Ginny? Yeah.

Harry/Luna? I like it. I think it'd be an okay couple

Harry/Pansy? I feel this doesn't even deserve a comment

Ron/Lavender? NO!!!!!!

Ron/Luna? No, it doesn't seem right.

Ron/Pansy? Gag me.

Ron/Fleur? His brother's wife? No. Way.

Hermione/Draco? NO! just, no.

Hermione/FredORGeorge?I think there's been worse.

James/Lily? I love this couple :)

Lily/Snape? I like this couple too though. Don't judge me.

Lily/Sirius? no

Lily/Lupin? I prefer it over Sirius/Lily and might be able to tolerate it if James and Snape didn't exist. But not really.

Tonks/Lupin? They were such a good couple! (poor Teddy)

Draco/Pansy? I don't really like or hate this couple. SO, okay whatever.

Fred/Angelina? Yes, I do love this couple.

Harry/Cho? So incredibly annoying.

This Or That?

Harry or Ron? Ron

Hermione or Ginny? Hermione

Neville or Seamus? Neville

Snape or Slughorn? Snape

Fred Or George? Fred

Harry/Ginny or Harry/Hermione? Harry/Ginny

Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione? Ron/Hermione

Harry/Hermione or Harry/Luna? Harry/Luna

Ron/Hermione or Ron/Luna? Ron/Hermione

Hermione/Krum or Harry/Hermione? Hermione/Krum

Ron/Lavander or Ron/Hermione? Ron/Hermione. Gosh, heck no to Lavender!

ButterBeer or Fire Whiskey? Butterbeer

Zonko’s or Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes? Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

Hog’s Head Or The Three Broomsticks? The Three Broomsticks

James/Lily or Snape/Lily? James/Lily

Hogwarts or Hogsmeade? Hogwarts,

Hogsmeade Or Diagon Alley? Hogsmeade

Malfoy Manor or Knockturn Alley? I’ll go with Malfoy Manor, because I’m curious to see what an albino peacock actually looks like…

Beartie Bott’s or Fizzing Whizbees? Beartie Bott's.

Witch Weekly Or The Daily Prophet? Witch Weekly

Rita Skeeter or Barty Crouch? Is neither an option?

Gyrffindor or Ravenclaw? Gryffindor. but I'm a Ravenclaw...urg...maybe Ravenclaw.

For anyone who sat up late into the night because they had to figure out what happened next.
+For anyone who is pretty sure their lives have just ended a little because there are no more books.
+For anyone who has tried casting a spell at one point in their lives.
+For anyone who was mad when Sirius died, deeply upset at Fred's death, misty-eyed about Hedwig, frightfully saddened when Cedric was killed, shocked to hear of Lupin and Tonk's death and think Dobby was quite a brave and extraordinary house elf.
+For anyone who spent time wondering about Snape, was he on Dumbledore's side, or a Death Eater? And when you read 'The Prince's Tale', you were like, 'after all this time? Always'.
+For anyone who really does feel bad for Albus Severus. Seriously Harry, please don't name your children.
+You wanted a letter to arrive at your house in green ink telling you that you had been accepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
+Quidditch sounds like a blast and a half.
+Every now and the you drop a Harry Potter joke.
+You are trying to cope with the fact Harry Potter is over, and realizing it is a might strange to be sad over a book. But you can't help it.
+Dude, Neville is a beast.
+The Weasly Family is just so awesome.
+You can't listen to Warewolves of London without thinking of Remus Lupin.
+You seem like a vaguely average person until someone says something about Harry Potter.
+You hoped to be as funny as Fred and George.
+You've been hopelessly distracted from your summer reading after reading the latest installment and then deciding you have to re-read the others.
+For anyone who thinks Albus Dumbledore was pretty much brilliant.
+If you've been to Kings Cross Station and seen a small piece of cardboard tacked up that says 9 3/4 and smiled because you were imagining it being real.
--Or you've seen the full platform and taken some sort of picture with it.
+You realize you think about some reference to Harry Potter practically once a day.
+Wotcher Harry.
+While you feel your life wither away in study hall, you try to numb the pain of boredom with Harry Potter thoughts.
+For people who find themselves smiling when they realize a real life situation relates so perfectly to a Harry Potter situation.
+For those of us who've been wasting our lives online reading JKR interviews and other various potter fan mania.
+For those of us who think people who intentionally spoil the book should be tarred and feathered.
+For anyone who listens to Wizard Rock and has travelled for hours to go to WRock shows.
+For the people who sat up all night after reading the epilogue wondering, "Did Harry ever become an aurour?"
+For anyone who isn't sure what they'll do now that they don't have another Harry Potter book to get hyped for.
+For everyone who has already planned or is planning on what to do the day the Half-Blood Prince movie comes out--and it's gonna be great.
+For anyone who is in english class discussing magical realism and someone tries to say Harry Potter isn't real...and basically you can't believe anyone could say anything so heartless and heartbreaking.
+For anyone who knows the characters just as well as you know your friends--because they are. You know their hobbies, their favourite things, their dislikes, their stories, their feelings. You know them. And you mostly love them.

Which book in the series is your favorite?

Order of the Phoenix

How long did it take you to read the books?

I had to wait for each one to come out. But each book took me no more than two days to read.

Who introduced you to the books?


Did you buy them, borrow them, or have them given to you as a gift?


Which is your personal favorite film?

Eight because I cried throughout 70% of that film

What's your dream ending to the series?

The way it did, except without Fred, Remus, Dobby and Tonks dieing. Or Hedwig. Hedwig's death was so unecessary

Death Eaters or Dumbledores Army?


Who's the real hero: Harry or Snape?

Snape. Harry. THEY'RE BOTH HEROES! It was a colaberation one could say

Daniel Radcliffe or Harry Potter?

Harry Potter

Rupert Grint or Ron Weasley?

Both :)

Emma Watson or Hermione Granger?

Emma Waston...or Hermione Granger...both?

Sirius or Remus?

Remus...Sirius...this is a cruel question.

Lily or James?

Lil-James? Gosh, to hard. I guess the Marauders wouldn't exist without James, so JAmes? Maybe?

Draco or Snape?


Peeves or Sir Nicholas?


McGonagall or Flitwick?


Voldemort or Bellatrix?


Snape or Dumbledore?


Fred or George?


Neville or Seamus?


Ginny or Luna?


Harry or Ginny?


Harry or Draco?


Hermione or Harry?

to hard

Hermione or Ron


Harry or Ron?


First off, I must say, Rest in Peace:

James and Lily Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black (The True Mauraders) Nymphadora Tonks, Professor Snape, Fred Weasley, Colin Creavy, Dobby, Hedwig, Regulus Black, Charity Burbadge, Mad-Eye Moody, Cedric Diggory, Grindewald, Sturgis Podmore, Gregorvitch, Benjy Fenwick, Edgar Bones, Gideon and Fabian Prewitt, Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon, Caradoc Dearborn, and all the brave souls that were lost to the War against Voldemort.

May you all rest in Peace, and Remember you're never forgotten

To James and Lily,
Who died at the beginning,
To Remus and Dora,
Who will never know their son,
To Peter,
Who isn't actually all bad,

To Dumbledore,
Who was as human as Harry,
To Sirius,
who was punished for what he didn't do
To the hundreds that died needlessly,
To the many that died 'for the greater good',
To these brave souls I raise my glass,
May they forever Rest In Peace... (from the profile of 14hp1)

In Remembrance

…In Remembrance to Severus Snape….

….A Slytherin who died like a Gryffindor…

...without all the red and gold crap.

…In Remembrance to Fred Weasley…

…Who fought bravely to the very end….

…And whose jokes will forever brighten his other half…

…And will loyally await his soul mate and brother…

… with many jokes…

...he's got forever to think of them, right?

…In Remembrance to Dobby…

…Who was more free and full of love…

...than any elf, and most humans.

….In Remembrance to Remus J. Lupin….

...the last real Marauderer...

…who was not just a wonderful father…

….a incredible husband and brave hero… well as a freakin' awesome werewolf.

….In Remembrance to Nymphadora Tonks…

…who died for ‘the greater good’…

...and would probably hex me for calling her Nymphadora.

…In Remembrance of Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody….

…who’s motto ‘constant vigilance’ kept him alive…

...and scared the crap out of some kids too.

…In Remembrance of Tom Marvelo Riddle a.k.a. Voldemort….

…who was pretty cool, and cute when he was younger…

…but who got his ass thoroughly kicked in the end

…In Remembrance of Albus Dumbledore…

…whose past and wisdom confused us…

…whose seeming betrayal shocked us…

…but actually who turned out to be an okay guy in the end...

...despite the whole 'almost killing Harry' thing.

In Remembrance to Bellatrix Lestrange…

… because it’s was awesome how Molly slapped her with that Avada Kedavra!

She deserved everything she got and more.

…In Remembrance of Colin Creevey…

…who we really didn’t know too well…

…but took a lot of pictures and died fighting in a war…

…so he must’ve done something good…

…besides stalking Harry.

…In Remembrance of Hedwig…

...Harry actual first friend…

...who lived and died soaring.(from athe profile of 14hp1)

I promise to remember Harry

When someone grows up with no love

I promise to remember Ron

When someone is jealous

I promise to remember Hermione

When I meet someone with wisdom beyond their years

I promise to remember James and Lily

when someone dies before their time

I promise to remember Dumbledore

At the thought of the greater good

I promise to "Solemely Swear That I Am Up To No Good"

for Gred, Forge, and Padfoot of course

I promise to remember Moony

And fight for human rights

I promise to remember Snape

When My heart fills with remorse

I promise to remember Narcissa

When I'd do anything for family

I promise to remember Dora Tonks

When someone is hyper

I promise to remember Hedwig,

who lived and died soaring

I promise to remember Percy

When ambition gets the best of me

I promise to be careful, and remember CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

For Moody's sake, of course

I promise to remember Hagrid

When one is wrongly blamed

I promise to remember Neville

when I stand up for what is right

I promise to remember the Marauders

When a friend says "Call me and I'll be there."

Yes I promise that I will

remember Harry Potter

Wherever I may go

A Dads Poem

Her hair was up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow.

Today was Daddy's Day at school, and she couldn't wait to go. But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home.

Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone.

But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say. What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today. But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone. And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home.

But the little girl went to school eager to tell them all. About a dad she never sees a dad who never calls. There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet.

Children squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats. one by one the teacher called a student from the class. To introduce their daddy, as seconds slowly passed.

At last the teacher called her name, every child turned to stare. each of them was searching, for a man who wasn't there.

"Where's her daddy at?" she heard a boy call out.

"She probably doesn't have one," another student dared to shout.

And from somewhere near the back, she heard a daddy say, "Looks like another deadbeat dad, too busy to waste his day."

The words did not offend her, she smiled up at her Mom and looked back at her teacher, who told her to go on.

And with hands behind her back, slowly she began to speak. And out from the mouth of a child, came words incredibly unique.

"My Daddy couldn't be here, because he lives so far away. But I know he wishes he could be, since this is such a special day. And though you cannot meet him, I wanted you to know. All about my daddy, and how much he loves me so. He loved to tell me stories, he taught me to ride my bike. He surprised me with pink roses, and taught me to fly a kite. We used to share fudge sundaes, and ice cream in a cone. And though you cannot see him. I'm not standing here alone. "Cause my daddy's always with me, even though we are apart I know because he told me, he'll forever be in my heart"

With that, her little hand reached up, and lay across her chest. Feeling her own heartbeat, beneath her favorite dress. And from somewhere in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears. Proudly watching her daughter, who was wise beyond her years. For she stood up for the love of a man not in her life. Doing what was best for her, doing what was right. And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd. She finished with a voice so soft, but its message clear and loud.

"I love my daddy very much, he's my shining star. And if he could, he'd be here, but heaven's just too far. You see he was a fireman and died just this past year when airplanes hit the towers and taught Americans to fear. But sometimes when I close my eyes, it's like he never went away."

And then she closed her eyes, and saw him there that day. And to her mother’s amazement, she witnessed with surprise. A room full of daddies and children, all starting to close their eyes. Who knows what they saw before them, who knows what they felt inside. Perhaps for merely a second, they saw him at her side.

"I know you're with me Daddy," to the silence she called out.

And what happened next made believers, of those once filled with doubt. Not one in that room could explain it, for each of their eyes had been closed. But there on the desk beside her, was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose

And a child was blessed, if only for a moment, by the love of her shining star. And given the gift of believing, that heaven is never too far.

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, iPOD etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.


For the First Time- The Script


Boulevard of Broken Dreams- Green Day


More than Words- Westlife


Breakeven- The Script


If I Were a Boy- Beyonce


Jar of Hearts- Christina Perri


Your Song- Elton John


Check Yes, Juliet- We the Kings


Umbrella- All Time Low

WHAT IS 2+2?

Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol


F*kin' Perfect- P!nk (haha I do love them)


Torn- Natalie Imbruglia (oh SNAP)


Absolutely (Story of a Girl)- Nine Days (woah haha this works.)


Come Home- One Republic


Drop the Girl-Hit the Lights (Aww. sad :( )


Haven't Met You Yet- Michael Buble


How You Love Me Now- Hey Monday


Waka Waka- Shakira


I'll Stand by You- the Pretenders version


You and Me- Lifehouse


Make You Feel My Love- Adele


Say (All I Need)- One Republic (poor child)


Cry Me a River- Michael Buble


Open Your Heart- Westlife


A Heart Without a Home- Westlife

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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Comfort of a Friend by xXLivePeaceXx reviews
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A Trip to Mars: Part III by UnderPolyJuice reviews
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I Don't Love Him by lostandmisplaced reviews
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The Only Lie by Nurse Steggy reviews
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How To Make A Good Outsiders Story by ISEELIGHTSEVERYWHERE reviews
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Happy Holidays, Nico! by appositive reviews
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Complicated Love Lives by softnerd reviews
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 806 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 76 - Follows: 15 - Published: 10/24/2010 - Hermes, Chris R. - Complete
Greaser Heaven by Desertfyre reviews
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When Sara Hughes is sent overseas to attend Hogwarts, she is thrilled. But she has no idea what's coming her way when she befriends the Weasley twins. **If you enjoyed this fic, check out the SEQUEL "We'll Never Break as One Too Strong"**
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Cabin Stories by RenaYumi reviews
This is a collections of stories that are related, but not necessarily related to the summer cabin owned by Yumi‘s family that just sort of popped up into our stories and imaginations. The gang spends every summer there for a few weeks and trouble insures
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520 Things I am not allowed to do at Hogwarts by MuffinMartians reviews
520 things I am not allowed to do at Hogwarts. edit: There is now 521!
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,817 - Reviews: 123 - Favs: 330 - Follows: 41 - Published: 1/30/2008 - Complete
Embarrassment by Callisto Nicol reviews
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Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,719 - Reviews: 208 - Favs: 458 - Follows: 54 - Published: 7/18/2006 - James P., Lily Evans P. - Complete
How to Annoy Over Enthusiastic Quidditch Captains by polka-dotted-pengiuns reviews
Number 7. Beat over enthusiastic captain over the head with a broomstick. Blame it on a bludger. Repeat.
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 822 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 3 - Published: 6/13/2006 - Oliver W. - Complete
Percy Jackson & the Olympians 100 Themes Challenge reviews
This story has a variety of Hurt/Comfort and Humor, so if you like either or genres, this is bound to have something for you. I try to update as often as possible.. Rated to be safe. I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
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