![]() Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Previous Username: I'm sixteen years of age, fourth of september!! I'm pretty weird actually. I'm a geek I love reading/gaming etc. I'm bisexual (: I have a boyfriend; thomas! I heart harry potter. twilight. merlin. one tree hill. gilmore girls. hp harry/draco, hermione/blaise, ron/pansy, ron/luna, hermione/pansy, blaise/pansy. twi bella/edward, jacob/edward, alice/bella, carlisle/bella, rosalie/bella, jacob/alice. merlin arthur/merlin, morgana/guinevere, guinevere/lancelot. oth nathan/haley, brooke/lucas. gilgirls rory/jess, rory/dean, luke/lorelai, christopher/lorelai. i do not like anyone else being with harry or draco than each other, I also don't like anyone being with arthur or merlin than each other. i also like reading random fictions from certain books i've read occasionally, I'm currently writing a fiction of my own but it's not updated often enough as I always tend to get writers block, or can't think of anything to write for my next chapter, I won't start another one until it is finished and that story will have about 12 to 15 chapters in total (depending on the way it goes.) |