Author has written 3 stories for Lord of the Rings. I'm very VERY aware of that the LOTR stories I've once posted here are far from perfect. I'm still logged in with this profile at times, to manage favorite stories and such, but it's rather unlikely I'll post another LOTR related fanfic here (though I still love LOTR (and h/c stories) with all my heart). But 2003 was a long time ago... and I might have changed quite a bit since then. I promise I won't take anything down--every story will be kept for nostalgic reasons, no less. Below is my old profile text: I am who I am - who else could I be? And I stand where I stand - I choose to be *me*! When you look in my eyes, you get what you see. Understand if you can that I am who I am, who I am. -Lara Fabian I'm actually more of a fan fiction reader than a fan fiction writer, and my favourite fics are mostly about an ailing Frodo. I love most other LOTR-related fics though, as long as they're slash and Mary Sue free. Note: (Added Aug 10, 2002) Some of my favourite authors are also writers of slash. I suggest you take a look at their non slash stories, since those are the reason for adding them. :-) English is not my mother tongue, and therefore I hope you will forgive my possible errors in grammar or spelling, or just point them out to me, in a nice way. ;-) My first story here--that is a "real life" piece which took place while I was waiting for the commuter train on a fairly ordinary day--has now been moved to . My profile page on can be found here: http:///profile.php?userid=200483 Naturally that story is LOTR-related as well. ;-) Be sure to check out my favourite authors and stories! They are the *greatest*! :-) Update May 1 2002: Added NixNivis to my favourite author-list. Be sure to check out her upcoming Star Trek fics, she's a true talent! ;-) Also added a few favourite stories written by members of the FrodoHealers at Yahoo (http:///group/FrodoHealers/). If you feel forgotten, please mail me! Update May 21 2002: Added "The Q Who Walks Through Walls" to my favourite stories, since it is absolutely *hilarious* and also features my dear friend NixNivis. Update June 22 2003: Still working with chapter 8 of HOAH, however, I just had to post a shortfic that wanted to "get out". Hope you don't mind! :-) Update April 16 2003: No, I have not abandoned this story, and I'm currently working on completing it. However, work and studies have taken most of my time recently, so the process has been painfully slow. Also, April 13 2003 became one of the saddest days of my life so far, as my dear, beloved horse "Fasse" died at an age of 25 years; 14 years with our family. He died peacefully, just fell asleep with his head on my lap, cradled in my arms, and was buried near one of his favourite places close to our country house. I will try to get back to writing as soon as I can though, since for me, it is a very good way to handle the grief. However, I am still not certain when I will be able to finish the chapter. Please be patient with me. Update Nov 6 2002: Finally! The seventh chapter of my first real fanfic ever is now up. Thank you *so* much for the reviews and your encouragement, especially "LilyBaggins" for helping me with the proof reading!!! The outline is finished, and the story will consist of eight chapters. I have no idea when I'll be able to post the next chapter, however, I'll post a reminder on the Frodo Healers' mailing list. "Tari" is pronounced with the same kind of sound as in "far", plus a "ree". Trifas is pronounced "Tree-fuss". Actually, his name has a bit of history behind it. I've had two horses in my life, the first one was named Beatrice, and the other was named Fasse [Fuss-eh]. (Fasse is still alive and well, btw). Thank you so much for your patience and kind reviews!!! Any questions asked in the reviews of this story will be answered here. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and/or comments! |
ainur (6) Ancalime8301 (186) AngieT (33) Arien1 (7) BellaMonte (6) Budgielover (39) ClaudiaofBree (0) | Gentle Hobbit (22) ladyofbree (24) LilyBaggins (18) Nightdew (19) Nilramiel (4) | Niphrandl (2) NixNivis (1) oselle (7) shirebound (114) slipstream (49) Willow-wode (9) |