![]() Author has written 9 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Hellsing, and Resident Evil. Welcome. I am pleased you have decided to take the time to read what I want to write about in this bio. Some comic book buffs can make out the origin of the alias I have chosen, which is incidentally trademarked property of DC Comics (a lot of works I really like come from them) and which I do not intend in any form or manner to copy, supplant, lay claim to, pass off as my own creation, or usurp, and from which as far as I can tell I am making no profit at all. The reason I chose this name is because I like what the Materioptikon embodies. It's just a living, solid dream you can hold in your hand. Something that's at the same time divine and human. Constructive criticism is appreciated, mindless flames will be ignored, forgotten, and will die of flu. Another, the oneshot called Coffin, was a spur of the moment. Don''t expect too many of those, though a second, Musings of the Fourth Survivor, has been added. The FFVII story, Arcana, officially died in a corner. Might retake it if I think I'm willing to take the risk again. Other Hellsing stories I'm considering are O Death, Where is Thy Sting? and O Grave, Where is Thy Victory? with the origins of Father Alexander Anderson and Yumie Takagi. I'm also considering another two, more experimental, named Gradus Vita, and Logos Naki World-based upon two of the greatest Hellsing songs. Some Doctor Who stuff, perhaps? Know of me, I will not hate or discriminate in any form for gender, creed, preferences of any kind or skin. So anybody who accuses me of being anything against the previous sentence can either present evidence, in which case I shall strive to change my conduct en lieu of a better world, or leave to the corner with the mindless flames. I'm mostly a lazy bum and that's as far as I go in reproachable behavior, but that doesn't mean the characters I envision are blameless or innocent. My ladies and gentlemen are conceived by thinking of them not as actors in a play, but rather as breathing, living people. My ideas are not of those I bring to life in my stories. Some of my ideas and beliefs are put in some random corner for good measure, but, just as I tell you I do not hate, does not mean my characters don't. Some think it's good in a character to be perfect and have a single, horrible flaw. I believe that is wrong. My characters can be corrupt, they can hate arbitrarily, they can throw morality out of the window, but they will be complex. More than one flaw, more than one good point. Some good fellas will be essentially clean, but they will always have something black somewhere. Tunnel vision. Insensitivity. Vices of any sort. Bad gents will be evil, but they will have motives and goals, and they will have reasons to reach those. My characters can be insane. Obsessive. Jealous. Violent even. But they will have a reason to be. I'm a determinist by nature, and my stories show that. If someone does something, acts in some manner, or says something, it's because there is a backstory that compels them to. Greed, lust and power are the three great pillars the flaws of my characters rest upon. Their strengths? Truth, love, and dreams. Because no character should be perfect. You want someone to be believable, he or she or even it must have both character strengths and flaws. An example of one person who did not follow this rule: Wesley Crusher. See where he ended? Of course, just don't ask me to show all of that in a single chapter. Oh, and I can be real slow sometimes. Just bear with me and let me reach my own goal of excellence. Perfection is not to be rushed, after all. |