![]() Author has written 24 stories for NCIS, and Justified. I'm 58 years old. I retired off "the Job" after 29 years of service in '07. I'm currently working part time as a PSO at a research institute. I watch NCIS and the original Law and Order. Started reading fanfic and thought I'd give it a try. Be gentle. The only stuff I've ever written(other then crime reports) was back in high school. If you're new to my profile welcome. If you've been here before, I've cleaned up some. It was startin' to look like a goatscrew around here. I've noticed on other profiles that people list favorite things, so I did too. I may add to 'em down the road so stop back every once in a while to see(shameless plug) :). Favorite Quotes: "Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy."-Ben Franklin "On Wrongs, swift vengence awaits"-Alexander Pope "If you wanted to be a hero, you shoulda been a fireman."- My first shift sergeant after I complained cops never got enough credit for the good we do. "To live in hearts we leave behind, Is not to die"-Thomas Campbell "Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig"-Robert A. Heinlein "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.."- Thomas Jefferson, 1787 "Everybody should believe in something- I believe I'll have another drink."- W.C. Fields "Never let go of what you've got, until you've got hold of something else"- The 1st Law of Wing Walking "Don't Force It-Get a Bigger Hammer"- Anthony's Law of Force "If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain"- Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill "What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and the tried, against the new and untried?- Abraham Lincoln Favorite Adult Beverages: Appleton Estate 12 year old rum, Jameson Irish Whiskey, Coors Light beer. Favorite Cigar: Yeah, I smoke cigars. H. Upmann Coronas(the real deal one's from Cuba) when I can get 'em. Otherwise Don Diego Coronas. Favorite Firearms: Smith & Wesson Model 15 .38 cal with a 4 inch barrel and adjustable sights. Carried one for for 12 years before we changed over to DA .45 cal autos. I loved that pistol. Charter Arms Undercover .38 cal five shot with a 2 inch barrel and bobbed hammer. Carried it either in an ankle holster or small of the back. It now sits in the drawer of the night table on my side of the bed. Remmington 870 pump shotgun in 12 gauge. Rack the slide and everybody pays attention! Favorite Edged Weapons: Buck 110 folder with a 4 1/2 inch blade. Carried it on my gunbelt for 29 years. Swiss Army pocket knife, "Tinker" model. It goes every where I do. Rule 9 always applies. An original Russell Knife Works "Sting" bootknife. Used to carry it tucked into my right boot in work. My Undercover was in my left Favorite Books: The Aubrey/ Maturin novels by Patrick O'Brien, Any history book, Anything by Leon Uris, Robert B Parker, Tom Clancy, Joe Waumbaugh, Robert A. Heinlein,Michael & Jeff Saara, Steven Pressfield(especially "Gates of Fire") Louis L'Amour. All the Sherlock Holmes stories. Ah Crap, just books in general! Favorite Movies: Obviously, we can lump actors and actresses in here too. Casablanca(all time fav), To Have and Have Not(a close second), The Maltese Falcon, pretty much any film noir, The John Ford cavalry trilogy with John Wayne, The Quiet Man, White Heat. Damn, too many movies, not enough space. Favorite Music: I'll listen to anything from Cage the Elephant to Mozart. Couple of people have asked me what song that I like sums me up. So I got out my iPod and scrolled thru the 1500 plus songs on it. Here's the winner: Toby Kieth's "As Good As I Once Was." MURPHY'S LAWS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT: Murphy was an optimist, If you park your radio car in the exact center of the Gobi Desert, within 5 minutes someone will pull up and ask for directions, Perfect 10's only show up to talk when you're busy, Your soft body armor was supplied by the lowest bidder, You are ALWAYS downwind of pepper spray(Oh yeah), If your raid is going well, you're at the wrong house, You will be decorated for stupidity and busted for brilliant work(been there,done that), Crime only occurs on days that end in 'y', For every good deed done, there is an Attorney to undo it, A police officer who wields a baton or other impact weapon in a fight is more likely to strike another cop than a suspect(so true/I've been on the struck end). There are a ton of these. The above were one's that resonate with me. Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. Thanks for stopping in. ATTENTION NEW READERS: If you're here because you've read one of my stories, thanks. Now if you liked it please review, even if you didn't like it, review and tell me how I screwed it up. Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter- Mark Twain |