Reviews for Never Forget
ncrowell97 chapter 2 . 4/3/2018
Great Ending!
Superbeau chapter 1 . 9/11/2013
Not sure if you're still doing FF Lt., but I'll be reading this every year as long as it's posted. Wish you and yours the best - Never Forget!
GottaHaveHarmonFreak chapter 2 . 9/11/2013
Thanks again, where ever you are, hope all is well and you've just joined the great migration from ffn. I didn't see this posted today, but found it and read it anyway. Gottahavemyncis
tw chapter 2 . 10/6/2012
I think I love you! Great writing and philosophy.
mmkbrook chapter 2 . 10/1/2012
The last sentence of the next to last paragraph and last paragraph of your A/N couldn't put it any better. Everyone has a right to their beliefs. For all I care people could worship a rock if that gives them solace. Every religion says they are right, some even want to kill you to make you "right". I wish the insanity of War would cease to exit, but in my heart of hearts I know it never will. As long as someone looks out from his house at the house accross the street, envy's its facade, and decides to burn down the house, we will have wars- be it a house, a town, a country.
Superbeau chapter 2 . 9/19/2012
Know this is late this year lt, but I wanted to say thanks again. God bless, and may we never forget!
diana teo chapter 2 . 9/12/2012
Thanks for this heartfelt reminder. Having lived in a Muslim majority country all my life, I know that most of them are moderates, but the extremists tend to be extremely vocal and they feed off the negative parts of Islam (and there are A LOT of stuff that I don't agree with!). I wish they'd realize that not all of it is literal and belongs in the past, and that they'd grow up and move with the times. That said, I liked how you put Gibbs and Tony at the scene. Never thought about where they could have been on that day.
elflordsmistress chapter 2 . 9/11/2012
At the end of a very long day, I'd like to thank you for the repost. This story has become part of this day for me. Thanks also for the shoutout. Although it should be noted that I have reclaimed my moniker and am in the process of reposting the story in separate installments. Have decided to give finishing it my best shot - and am working (albeit slowly) on the rest. Have a few things to run by you - but only if you have time and inclination.
cajunghost chapter 2 . 9/11/2012
Thank you for publishing this lil story. It is a reminder or what happened that day, and of what we should never forget. Once again thank you.
alix33 chapter 2 . 9/11/2012
"Is this why Vance didn't X him out the day after the SEAL's got him?" - "SEALs got him", since English is not one of the languages that use the apostrophe or apostrophe s to create plural forms of its nouns. There ARE languages who make plural forms of their nouns like that, though: Dutch, Flemish and Afrikaans, my mother tongue, among them.
"DiNozzo gestured to the picture. "Is this why Vance didn't X him out the day after the SEAL's got him?" Gibbs nodded in the affirmative. "Yup. I was waiting in his office and we had a discussion about an appropriate time to cover his picture." "What did you say to him?" Gibbs looked blandly at Tony. "I made him an offer he couldn't refuse." DiNozzo's mouth dropped open. Did Gibbs just make a movie reference?" - IMO, anything DiNozzo can do, Gibbs can do better.
silvermoon217 chapter 2 . 9/11/2012
Thanks for sharing your stories. I lost my husband in July of 2001. My son was 10 years old at the time. We both understood how it felt to lose a loved one. That entire year is still a punch in the gut to me, but as long as we remember they will not be forgotten.
Terry Gibbs chapter 2 . 9/11/2012

Thanks for this yearly reminded. We shouldn't ever forget...but what we should do and what we do are worlds apart. I was 15 on 9/11/01. We lived on a flight line near DFW airport in Dallas. For days afterward, I didn't hear or see any planes overhead and it got so quiet it was scary. Then I remembering coming back inside from the pasture one day and I heard a plane pass right overhead. I stopped and watched it, and that was when I knew we'd be all right. Not whole and not the same, but all right. You're right about OBL and KSM. I'm studying Arabic right now and so far my professor and tutor are the only Muslim's I've met who I personally consider decent people. Not trying to bash the whole religion, but well...your statement about Islam is true. Thanks for your reviews and support! Hope real life isn't getting too crazy for you, lol.
TellatrixForever chapter 2 . 9/11/2012
"I think that when the shithammer falls, whoever did this is gonna be a goddamn nail." This line is my favorite out this entire tribute.

Can I possibly borrow it for a fic of mine?

Great job once again.
trekde chapter 2 . 9/11/2012
Love your tribute to 9/ was an act of cowards. A couple of years ago i wrote a piece for my blog about the children who died on the planes...and your a/n made me remember. i will remember 9/11 forever (and btw i agree 100% with you about the socalled religion of peace).
TellatrixForever chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
Once again, you've done a great job with this tribute.

Could you possibly check out mine?

That day will never be forgotten, by anyone.
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