![]() I always worry that this seems narcissistic, but I guess I can tell yall a bit about myself. So here goes...if you're interested. Hey everyone. My name is Kyle and I'm from Massachusetts. Like alot of people who visit this site, I became addicted to reading fanfic when I read my first Harry Potter fanfic. Ever since then it's been late nights reading, and finding the best possible slash pairings in even the most obscure movies and books. I'm happy to say that I have fully immersed myself in the "Dork culture" but I've always been alright with it.Besides, geek is sheek nowadays anyway. I enjoy conventions. I've attented Anime Bostoin five years in a row and Pax East once. Unfortunately this year they are both on the same weekend and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. Besides that I also enjoy Renaissance Faires and midnight book and movie releases. I've dappled in Dungeons and dragons and Magic the gathering. And of course I write and read fafic. My new favorite hobby is sitting in coffee shops and working on my fanfics or reading books. My favorite place to do this used to be borders, but that closed down. Luckily I found a new place to do it that's almost as perfect as borders was...almost I'm not quite sure how to continue, so from here on out I suppose I'll do lists. Here goes. My favorite slash pairings would definitely have to be. Merlin and Arthur (Merlin) Harry and Malfoy (Harry Potter) Petta and Finnick (The Hunger Games) Spartacus and Varro(Spartacus,Blood and Sand) Pete Campbell and Ken Cosgrove(Mad Men) Kirk and Spock(Star Trek, The newest Cast) Sherlock and Watson (BBC Version) Favorite Poem. "A poisoned Tree" by William Blake. Favorite Quote. "I'll eat you up I love you so" from "Where The Wild Things are" My favorite shows "Merlin" "Mad Men" "Hana Kimi"(Tiawaneese Version) "A Game of Thrones" "One Girl, Five Gays" "True Blood" "Card Captors"(Japanese Version} "Awkward" "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" "Spartacus" "Cougar Town" "Digimon" "Six Feet Under" "Ozz" "Naruto" "Ancient Aliens" "The Big C" "Weeds" "Frasier" "Will and Grace" "Being Human"(American Version) "Queer as Folk" "Love Hina" "Shameless"(American Version) "Skins"(U.K Version) "The Walking Dead" "American Horror Story" My favorite bands would have to be "Sigur Ros" (All time favorite) "Jonsi" "Evanescence" "System of a Down" "John Mayer"(Even though he's kind of a douche) "Cameron Mitchell" "Florence and the Machine" "Counting Crows" "Dave Matthews" "Death Cab for Cutie" "Regina Spektor" "Mumford and Sons" "Snow Patrol" "Aphex Twin" Obviously there are more, but these are the main favorites. Now one of my favorite parts. Favorite movies! "Billy Elliot" "How to train your Dragon" "Lord of the rings"(The trilogy) "Brokeback Mountain" "Gangs of New York" "Simon Birch" "Now and Then" "Ever After" "Good Will Hunting" "The Patriot" "The Craft" "Mean Girls" And for my favorite favorite part. Favorite books! "The Perks of Being a wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky "Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling "A Game of Thrones" by J.R.R. Martin "The Giver" by Lois Lowry "Lirael" by Garth Nix "Wicked" by Gegory Maguire "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins "Brokeback Mountain" by Annie Proulx "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer (I like Twilight, but it's not a favorite) "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding |