Author has written 28 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon X-overs, and Harry Potter. October 24, 06 Hello sweetcheekes! Babycakes! My lovleys! I am desperately sorry for the lack of updating on my part. My motherboard was fried, and I still haven't retrieved any of the WIPs that were stored there. Although, in the meantime, I have been scouring together a BUNCH of prewriting for a story that will eventually be called "If Jealousy Ruled the World". This, of course, will be a lovely D/G and actually, I'm going to venture it into the "M" rated section of , just as a warning. I hope, desperatley I might add, that it will be as popular as CGEY, but it's fine if it doesn't reach that level. I'm just happy to be finally doing some prewriting on something (which I admit: I've never done before). Just check back, and check back soon! I feel that I might even have a post for you by the end of today... ~~~~~~~~~Alex |