A/N: Er. Strange little ficlet. It is the shortest thing I've ever written, but… * shrugs* Remember to review. Hem hem.

.the end.


"You've betrayed me."

" I haven't."

" You told me love would save me."

" It will."

" It hasn't." Her eyes were filled with tears.

" You don't love me anymore."

" I've never loved you." His eyes were filled with nothing.

" But that one time. You kissed me and it was love. Love. And I thought you would save me."

" It wasn't love. It was just a kiss."

" What if I told you I loved you?" She was pleading.

" I would tell you I was sorry."

" And would you mean it?"

" No." He didn't like pleads.

" What if I told you the world was going to end if you didn't love me?" The tears rolled down her cheeks freely.

" Then the world would end."


" I can't make myself love you." He looked towards her.

" Sorry."

" Do you mean it?" She whispered.

" No."

And then he walked.


And the world ended that night.