Author has written 14 stories for Numb3rs, and Sherlock. Good day, traveller of the vast land of fanfiction sites! Since there is some chance that you landed on this page because you would like to learn more about me, I've prepared some words and phrases that might assuage your curiosity: I originally started posting stories here to practice my English, after I had already posted the stories on another fanfiction website in my mother tongue. That's also where the capital TO in my nickname is coming from - Translation Only. I've had some really great betas over the years, so thanks a lot to MarieThea, Medraut and Starfishyeti! Later, I started writing in English without writing in my mother tongue first, and since 2017, that's the only way I write fanfiction. Since then, I haven't had a beta and as long as people don't start yelling at me to get one, it's going to stay this way. Funny enough, English still hasn't become my first language (never been to an English speaking country actually), so feel free to contact me whenever you find there's something wrong with my language. If you find there's something wrong with my stories, I kindly invite you to contact me as well - although in that case swallowing my pride and thanking you might come a little less easily to me ;) A propos something wrong with my stories: I'm not a big fan of most of the things I wrote up until 2017 - you've got to realize, I've been quite young when I wrote those. However, since there are still a number of people who seem to be fond of those stories (and don't get me wrong, I too like the general plots of them) and since I would have to make some drastic changes for them to be to my liking, I'll just leave them as they are. I'd only like to ask you not to judge me for the sins of my youth. Take my current shortcomings for that. Before you delve into my stories though, I’ll have to warn you that you’ll hardly find anything but CharlieWhump combined with DonAngst or DonGuilt in those, simply because that’s the set-up I like. If you don’t, I strongly discourage you from reading my stories. Now one quick word about my (yet to be written) side-project: The Problems of Applied Mathematics Colliding Worlds is also fully written and just needs to be proof-read once again, so here, too, I’ll keep up my weekly schedule to post new chapters. On that note: thanks a lot for your comments, I really appreciate them! And now, I have nothing left to say but to wish you a nice day and an enjoyable read as you wander on through fanfiction land. |