Author has written 1 story for Inuyasha. HI! (: I'm Emily and I really suck at writing profiles! So, there's not much that you need to know about me. I like long, flowing descriptions and I have a proclivity for using an extreme amount of commas in my stories. Generally, if I feel strongly about something and I'm writing, my mood will be stamped in giant fucking neon letters ever third or fourth line. Inuyasha was the first anime that I ever saw, and it has remained my favorite by far despite all the awesome anime I've watched since. Speaking of which, despite my five year hiatus on Pure White Silhouettes, I'm back in action. It's still very much a story based entirely on whim, but it pains me to leave it incomplete. Thanks for reading! |
angel-unknown (4) BabyDoll916 (4) | Lady Librarian (9) Lovely Grifter (6) | ShadowsWeaver1 (15) |