![]() Author has written 16 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, X-overs, Devil May Cry, and Mega Man. Well its been a reeeeaaally long time since my last story, but Im back. As you may find in this profile I dont usually write in english beacause...well, its not may first language but Im learning and i want to become a translator and a writer some day, seriously! Ive read so many amazing inspiring stories on this site that I wanted to try mine so badly, I hope you enjoy reading my stories as I enjoy writing them, it kinda help me to ease the pain Im currently feeling...but well Tolstoi once said that "Happiness is a blessing, however a tragedy is a story" and I think thats true since my "tragedy" inspired me to start writing again. Name: call me Coga, Kogaxe or whatever you prefer Age: twenty something Zodiac sign: Aquarius Profession: Im currently studying two majors, library studies and information sciences, the other is language teaching. Fav book: Sputnik sweetheart by Murakami Haruki and Thanks for the fire by Benedetti Mario Likes: I love reading a lot and every kind of literature, listening to music (mostly metal and opera), writing (of course)playing videogames, watching anime and movies, I love watching movies ...and what else, oh I like walking just for fun Dislikes: I hate betrayal and hypocrisy, Im surrounded by those two things... Fav pairings in YGO: I adore puzzleshipping its so inspiring and tender...and nostalgic, it reminds me of many things. Puppyshipping, I like it because...mmm I think its just because it looks cute and hawt! Thiefshipping, same reason just that it can have a million of scenarios Que tal! mucho tiempo sin escribir en español jaja, bueno como pueden ver tengo muuucho tiempo en este sitio (10 añitos nada mas) pero no soy famosa ni nada de eso, es sólo que desde ese tiempo que me gusta escribir cosas sin sentido jajaja!! Como ya se habrán dado cuenta adoro Yu-Gi-Oh! es mi fandom más grande y adorado, lo he tenido por casi 10 años y ya veo muy dificil que pueda superarlo, sep así es. Si quisieran contactarme solo búsquenme en las redes con el seudónimo de Kogaxe y seguro me encontrarán, o mandenme un MP, me dará mucho gusto hablar con personas que compartan el fandom u otras cosillas XD. |