Author has written 37 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, and Trinity Blood. 2/24/12 Somehow, I'm back...can't guarantee for how long. It should be atleast long enough to finish posting this new story. I got my old writing partner putting me in a writing mood again (Hi Madison!), and found a story I actually had completed yet for some reason never submitted. It was one I happen to particularly like, and hope the readers like it, too...called Getting Back to Square 1. I thought it was a rather decent plot and shows off the bond of the Kaiba brothers, putting Kaiba at his best, while he's at his worst, and of course I couldn't resist having Joey in there, as well. Hope you all like it. 2/16/11 Just to point out, I am still no longer doing any new fan fiction. BUT, I didn't like having the incomplete stories left on my page, especially when I stated I normally do my stories ahead of time, and I wont leave any stories unfinished. So, I apologize for some minor problems in the past, regarding certain stories. Today, I have either fixed the problem or removed it entirely. These are my updates: Invisible Stalker: Anyone that was reading this story, might want to read it again. This story, like all my stories I submit, was 'done'. The problem was I started to modify certain things in the story while I submitted chapters. This would normally not be a problem. But during this time, I lost interest in doing any further yaoi stories, which did cause a problem to further modify the story. So, what I did to fix this problem was replace the chapters I originally submitted with the original chapters how it was done before the mod. Because of this, Chapters 1-7 might not only have more spelling/grammar errors to it, some of the storyline might actually be different. I can't say if you'll like it more or less. But doing it this way allowed me to finish the story. Infact, you will find that story now officially completed...all 11 chapters. I wont have time to continue to update chapter to chapter, so I simply threw it all out at once. It is now completed, I hope you enjoy the story. The Human Factor: I'm sorry to those who might have wanted to see more. This is also a completed story, but I have too many conflicts with the direction of where to lead the story line. Until I can ever get that resolved, I could no longer submit any more. Because of which, I was forced to remove it, since I don't know if I'll ever get it done correctly. I am sorry about that. If you are truly interested to see what I've done on it, feel free to email me, regarding this project. Infact, if you're a Beta tester, and want to try and help me with the matter, also feel free to email me, because I really am having serious issues with it. Trinity Blood The Story: On a good note, each chapter is its own story. Originally, I planned on making a couple more chapters worth of parody parts regarding the series and/or manga. Unfortunately, I've had terrible moments with a number of Trinity Blood fans who take the show way too seriously and can't seem to grasp there is life beyond this show. Because of which, it has left a terrible taste in my mouth, and a lack of interest in ever wanting to do anything with Trinity Blood ever again! That is why I never bothered to label it as completed. So, I can't say that will ever be updated. But again, each chapter was its own completed work, so I'm not too concerned that someone's missing seeing an ending. In the past, I had mentioned I have some one shot fics to submit. Sadly, my laptop had crashed and all my files on that machine had to be erased. Because of which, I'm afraid the new stories I did are gone. I also had made and completed a story which was the continuation of the one shot story 'Forever as One'. Also because of the laptop problem, that is no longer a completed story. I may get back to that, and attempt to finish it a 'second' time, I don't know. If I do, perhaps I'll submit that one in the future. Anyway, I hope that helps those who have been patiently waiting and probably gave up on the idea it would ever be finished. Enjoy! 4/22/09 For those that are waiting for my next story update, I'm afraid there might be a delay for the next few weeks. I've run into some serious personal problems that have to be dealt with immediately. Because of which, I simply do not have the time to continue my writing at this moment. I apologise for the inconvenience, but real life has to come first. I will submit my work as soon as this problem has been taken care of. Thank you. 1/2/09 Happy New Years (a day late)! I have re-edited basically all the one-shot Yugioh fics I did in the past. Nothing major, mostly just spelling fixes quotation corrections, maybe some grammar. Atleast they shouldn't be painful to look at anymore, while attempting to read them. The story presently being submitted is Dealing with Adulthood. I have one more fic besides this that was on hold for a year that I'm still uncertain about submitting, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway after this one. So far, all the fics I have are Kaiba and Joey mixes. At the point in time, I do not have any priorities on getting back to my Transformer fic soon, but I will eventually get to it. 11/11/08 It's been quite a while since I've shown my face here. It took a long time for me to recover from my own mental angst, I suppose. Though right now, I still have no plans on making any more stories at this point in my life, what I do plan on doing is some re-editting. 'Amnesia' is officially the first to have gone through an editing overhaul, as of today. When I say that, I mean I have gone through and finally fixed all the punctuation problems that I have noticed. Some of these problems I admit were partially due to me. For some reason, I never understood punctuation very well. Well, I think I've learned more about it to be able to fix it, now. Another problem was during the time this sight was changing formats, certain ways of typing were changed around here: what was acceptable later was not. Because of that, it effected a great deal of my older fics. Most of the fics I modify though will not be major changes. Even if I think some of the earlier ones may be ooc at times, I will still be keeping it that way. It allows me to see how well I have improved from the beginning until now, which I am rather proud of. There are a few more stories on my list also up for this overhaul...such as Blast in the Past, and Missing Persons Aftermath. The first story of Missing Persons I intend to do more, though. I plan on doing quite a bit of modifications to it and re-submitting it in the future. There is no set date for this, at the present time. There have also been one or two other stories I had actually finished but never submitted simply because I was concerned if they were really good enough to place on my account. For those who may miss my stories, I may also be submitting these in the future. Just please do not flame me if you do not find them my best work...because they're probably not. There is also no set date for this, either. When I do know, I will let you all know in a later update. Please be patient, and thanks for all your input I have recieved from you all over the course of time I have offered my stories to you. It's been great. Lastly, I have changed my email address which is submitted above. If you had problems getting a reply from me in the past, it could have been due to the email change. If you need to contact me for any reason, feel free to try again. 1/6/2008 Hello. Sadly, it's been a heck of a year for me. My Mom passed away before Xmas, which has been a real downer for me. Unfortunately, I seemed to have presently lost the creative interest in writing all together since all these problems began to occur for me. And I have no idea when this may come back. So, for now, I'm unfortunately going to have to put any present stories waiting for an update on permanent hold. If something changes, I will make sure to add another update. But until then, I'm going to have to say goodbye. I want to thank those that had enjoyed my writings and offered their compliments. I enjoyed every one of your reviews. Perhaps sometime in the distant future that desire will return to me again. But, at this time I can't guarantee anything. Until that time, I bid you farewell. 8/11/2007 The Lego Museum is now open! We opened August 3rd, so anyone interest in seeing us are welcome to get the details of our opening times and location at: http://. Due to all my time on this project, I have been pretty slow in doing any writing. But since the Transformer Movie came out, I was inspired to finish a long time story I had in my computer that desperately needed editing, then finished it and finally submitted it. Obviously, the story is a Transformer-based fanfic, called 'The Human Element'. It was never submitted before because I assumed there would be no one left interested. But with the new movie out, I had hopes that maybe it would inspire new interests. I’ll just have to wait and see. That’s all I have for now, until the next intro update. 4/17/2007 I guess it's been some time since I've updated my intro section. Anyway, I only have two stories to finish sending out presently on my plate...'A Match Made in Heaven', and 'The Stupidity of Mechanical Children', both Yugioh involved. After that, I'm sorry to say I will not be submitting anymore fics for some time, if at all. I do not think I will be able to post anything more on 'Trinity Blood the Story', either. What I have been doing in the real world is helping my husband in building what is to be our future. He is probably one of the biggest Lego toy collectors around, and decided to create a non-profit toy museum based on it. This museum is in Bellaire, Ohio and will (hopefully) be opening by the end of July. For those of you interested in seeing what we are up to, you can find all the information by going to: http://. It's actually pretty cool. He has a 7' Darth Vador and a live moving band all built entirely out of Lego's. He even has an outside 'cow' carousel as a Lego display. But, because of this's the reason all my time is being eaten away. Perhaps after it opens and things calm down, my time will clear up again. But, until it's done, he needs all the help he can get. He is also an electronic's recycler (which is mentioned on the websight). So, if there's anyone who happens to have large loads of electronic's scrap they need to get rid of, feel free to e-mail me about it. Note on story posting and review replying: I always try to reply to those that were kind enough to review to my stories, though regretfully I can never reply to those without an account (and thanks to this sight, I can no longer post a reply in my stories either). But, because of my busy schedule, it has been taking much longer to reply than normal. I apologize for that, but I haven't forgotten you. I will get back to you's simply going to take much longer than normal before I can. Obviously the delays in submitting a story or story chapter is also the result of real life complications. Normally I'm quite timely on posting once a week. Now, I can no longer guarantee that. But, I 'will' update as soon as I possibly's just going to take longer. I suppose that's all there is to say for now. Below is what I originally had for my profile, but mildly edited. 4/30/05 Hi. I'm Clarity, and I live in the US. My preferences are Yugioh, Dragonball, Dragonball Z (not sucks), Trinity Blood, Demon Eyes Kyo, Tactics, One Piece, and Gravitation. In Yugioh story fanfics that I read, I normally prefer just about any mix that involves Kaiba. I am a big Kaiba fan, and normally all my fics rotate around him, one way or another. There are very few (I think only 1) Yugioh fics I write that don't have him involved. I have made an attempt at writing Trintiy Blood, though I'm probably not very good at it. I've also written a couple DBZ's, and may sometime far in the future create a sequel to 'Forever as One' (when I once again have time). I also like doing romance, though I tend to mix it with action/adventure a lot. Also a lot of them tend to have a few hints of humor in it...probably because I normally have a great dislike for angst. Even my angst attempts I think had some humor in it. My top matches are Kaiba/Joey. I also like Kaiba/Yami, but I have a real hard time pairing those two, for some reason. Even though I like Kaiba/Joey (Joey/Kaiba...whichever), it's not all I do. There are some fics that also have some mild Kaiba/Serenity, and even Kaiba/Mai. Each story shows you the pairing in the description before reading, for your convenience. If it's male/male, it will be listed as yaoi. So if you don't like male pairings, avoid any fic of mine that says yaoi. Now, if you happen to like my style of writing, then maybe you would also be interested in a couple stories known as 'Seto's Wish' (1 and 2) which are written entirely by Madison, but edited my me. You can find her by her author name, Kagome Mokuba: But even though I was the editor in it, I would have still been nothing in that story, without Madison's brilliant ability at creating such a wonderful plotline. It was her original story that inspired me to write 'Blast in the Past' in the first place. So, feel free to check her story out, sometime. So, I guess that's it...I hope you enjoy my stories. |