![]() Author has written 13 stories for Inheritance Cycle, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Mass Effect, High School Musical, and Harry Potter. Boiler Plate Disclaimer:I don't own any of the characters, places, settings, cannon references, etc. that appear in my stories - I'm not that smart or talented. So, I'm sort of back on the fic scene, with several new ideas kicking around, and with the end of my Honours Thesis in sight, I'm thinking about signing up for NaNoWriMo, intending to use it as a way of tying up some of my WIPs and kick start some of the plot bunnies that have been chasing me for a while now. However, this means that full-time adulting is on the horizon, so the amount of time I'll actually be able to dedicate to writing is completely subject to circumstance. I'm also thinking of moving over to AO3 for my own record keeping, but any story posted here will remain and be updated to completion before it is archived elsewhere. Even with my abominable updating schedule, I just want to thank all of you for your continued support, it means more than you could ever know. (plus, with a PhD on the horizon, it also provides me with a productive means of procrastination; the audience must be satisfied, after all) Current Interests/Inspirations: Games - Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age, Arcanum, Remember Me, The Last of Us, The Witcher Anime/manga - Fairy Tail, Bleach, Psycho Pass Comics - Wonder Woman (still my favourite hero ever - I really loved the film) Books - Harry Potter, The Masked Empire, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (every time I read this I remember why I love this book) Music - Oh Wonder, Annalisa, all the Eurovision Works in Progress: FT - After That - so it's still in progress for those of you who thought i had abandoned it - never fear, it will probably go on for as long as i still ship this couple...though updates will be far and few between... nothing personal of course, that's just my lazy arse...ME - Catch me if you can - so this story is officially in "re-write mode", in that I don't really feel like it's current form will allow me the gravity to deal with what I actually want this story to do, primarily treat PTSD with the respect and gravity it requires and how it affects everyone differently. I won't be removing this story until I actually start posting the new version, but that won't be for some time yet.HP - Under One Roof - so a full-ish completed outline for this story now exists featuring 27 chapters, but as there is a distinct lack of fleurmione (I'm still not sure how I managed that given it is the entire point of the story) that number is likely to increase. This does not mean updates will happen on a regular schedule, but I will do my best to write more than one chapter a year... Anywhere But Here - to those of you who are waiting for me to update UOR... aca-oops. I've been going over old ideas lately and I kind of fell in love with this one. Its an AU university setting featuring my favourite pairing in this series. Fleur is the troubled transfer, who has been kicked out of home and Beauxbatons University, sent to Hogwarts against her will, where she is forced to share a dorm with our favourite brainiac. Hermione is something of a musical savant and all round genius who quite literally gives zero bothers about Fleur. Naturally, they clash. A lot. You can probably guess how this one will turn out but I'M TELLING THE STORY, ok?Ideas in Pending: ME - Heartbreaker - intended as a harem-ish fic with the various Normandy crew's falling for Shepard Special Things for a Rabbit - simple fluff, Shepard turns into a bunny and everyone fawns Sweet Serendipity - f!shepXmiranda, cavalier and carefree don't always make the best material for the saviour of the galaxy, an attitude that has her XO on edgeDA - Forever and Always - No real time period, floats from pre-Origins events, MerrillXMahariel, how they met and all sorts of fluff, till they were separated. For Those Who Have Heart (actually i have to think of a new name for this... i forgot i already used it...) - (potential sequel to Forever and Always) MerrillXHawke turned HawkeXIsabela, the usual heartbreak in the first relationship followed by the realisation of a new romance in the latterFT - Say You Like Me - another ErzaXLucy fic, cliché high school setting, transfer student, and inarticulate Karate jock, love triangles, all that good stuff The Other Side - more ErzaXLucy, another high school setting, no transfer student, just a shy girl who is invisible to the rest of the world, discovered by accident, soft romance and fluff. Electric Feel - same old same old, ErzaXLucy, killing time while waiting for the rain to stop Cross over fic (currently unnamed) - Fairy Tail/Psycho Pass; ErzaXLucy, Lucy is fresh out of high school, designated by the Sybil System as being able to work for the Ministry of Welfare Public Safety Bureau as an Inspector; Erza is an Enforcer, a latent criminal, and has been working for the MWPSB for seven years ever since she was released from one of the correctional facilities when her Crime Coefficient didn't recover after escaping slavers who were operating off the grid. They meet under less than cordial circumstances, but build a working relationship that inevitably deepens. (just quietly i cant wait until my brain actually writes this one)HP - Revelry, Rivalry - this is another FleurXHermione fic, but I'm trying to lean towards Gabrielle and Fleur fighting for Hermione, which may seem rather stupid, but when i get more written out and have it ready for posting hopefully it won't be as stupid as it sounds. Cross over fic (currently unnamed) - Harry Potter/Hunger Games; Hermione and Harry are district 12's tributes, it will probably follow the HG books, with some plot changes (obviously) concerning love interests, I'm not sure how I will make it work, but for those who thought I was trying a mXf pairing, I'm sorry to disappoint, it will be FleurXHermione, again... The Great and Noble House of Black - featuring fleurmione (surprise, surprise)! Hermione is the illegitimate daughter of Bellatrix Black and a muggle, raised by her great cousin, Sirius Black. This story requires a lot of reshaping of the entire Harry Potter canon, but the main features will include: no Voldemort, he died while attempting to create his first Horcrux; Death Eaters exist, but not as a constant threat, only select ones will be used for plot reasons; Sirius is a curse-breaker and he raises Hermione on international digs; Hermione is crazy powerful, but in a seriously casual way who is uniquely gifted at forming familiar bonds; a long winded re-writing of the entire series, so it will be quite long, with a distinct lack of lesbian Hermione until the third book.HSM - Be Good to Me - GabriellaXSharpay, Gabriella has a bit of an accident after school, tearing the ACL in her right leg, basically rendering her unable to go to school. In her absence rumours crop up involving how she got hurt, with the likely perpetrators being Troy and Sharpay. Sharpay, no stranger to injury is strangely sympathetic towards Gabriella, and they become 'friends', though with growing feelings on both sides. (strangely enough this one was inspired when i injured my hamstring and one of the proposed diagnosis's was an overextended ACL, though a torn one is far more painful, obviously) Positivity - GabriellaXSharpay; Gabriella and Ryan are good friends, and during the summer break spend a lot of time together, with Sharpay feeling abandoned by her brother and her secret crush (original, right?) but eventually gets suckered in to visit the Montez household, and in a roundabout way ends up confessing to Gabriella (i'm hoping this one turns out better than it sounds) Kiss the Girl - GabriellaXSharpay (as usual); basically Gabriella and Sharpay have met before when Gabriella's mum was transferred to Albuquerque when both girls were nine years old. They attend the same elementary school for three years, with Sharpay developing a crush on Gabriella, but never speaking to her. About a week before graduation, with some pushing by Ryan, Sharpay, still unable to talk to the girl, kisses her. Gabriella transfers the next day and Sharpay is devastated. Sharpay changes during middle school, and when Gabriella turns up at her high school she panics. Every thing comes full circle, with Sharpay once again kissing Gabriella in an empty classroom. Round & Round - GabriellaXSharpay, GabriellaXRyan; another sibling rivalry fic, with both twins crushing on Gabriella, and trying to outdo the other in order to win her over. |