![]() Author has written 3 stories for Life With Derek. Name: C.J. Age: Old enough to know it's a bad idea to tell Characteristics and General Appearance: Bookworm, writing fiend, award winner, blue eyes, brown hair, and shorter than you ;P Favorite Books: Redwall, Harry Potter, To Kill a Mockingbird, Wuthering Heights, Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Artemis Fowl, The Secret Life of Nicholas Flammel, Mortal Instruments, Maximum Ride, Sherlock Holmes Favorite Shows: Life With Derek, NCIS, Sherlock (Ben Cumberbatch. 'nuff said), Doctor Who, Whedon!Verse (everything), Castle, Stargate SG-1, first 3 seasons of Bones, Sherlock (Yes, it is worth mentioning twice. Leave me alone) Favorite Movies: X-Men, Lord of the Rings, Secret of NIMH, Anne of Green Gables, Singing in the Rain, Narnia (mmmm, Peter... and suddenly Edmund) Shockingly... I just erased my favorite Anime/Manga. Be proud. Or sad, which ever comes first. Favorite Things Life with Derek: Derek/Casey- For cereal? What's not to love about the taboo, sexual tension between these two. Every episode the writers hint at Dasey and then go "Oh, nope! Never mind"... and then they create the brain aneurism that was the Truman arc... -shudder- Lizzie/Edwin- Cute fluffiness of the MacDonald-Venturi resident genii. Srsly. Sheldon- Because... well... Sheldon. Sheldon is the reason for everything. Ralph- He's hilarious. Plus he and Amanda are my OTP. Redwall: Mariel/Dandin- They were the original favorite pairing. I wish there were more well written fictions with this pairing. The food- Leek and mushroom pasties. Oh my god, it's three in the morning and I am so freaking hungry... Harry Potter: Draco/Hermione- Obviously, I am unable to keep canon with anything that doesn't involve animals. Plus, there's snark to be had, and that's always good. Rose/Scorpius- As far as I'm concerned, it's canon. It was bound to happen. Ron and Draco need to bond over the fact that their children are in love and need to go get ridiculously drunk together because of it. Mortal Instruments: Alec/Magnus- Shockingly for a teen series, canon. And amazing. Because Magnus is Magnus and Alec is adorably unable to function. Jace/Simeon- Don't ask, because I don't really understand it myself. I saw a fan picture and just kind of spontaneously started shipping them. NCIS: Gibbs/Jenny- Anything involving Gibbs will make me squee, and at first I kind of hated Jenny (I'm kind of possessive of my Jethro), but.. I like her. And they are good for each other. Gibbs/Abby father-daughter relationship- If you people have not seen Blood Bath, then you are missing the most amazingly awesome display of Gibbs going paternal crazy EVER. McGee/Abby- Because Abby is made of awesome and Mickey is so gosh durned cute. Makes me want to pinch his cheeks Tony/Ziva- Let me say something about UST. It rocks peoples' worlds. And Ziva and Tony just... thing together. Look, I don't know. I just get the same feeling I get when I'm watching Casey and Derek throw meat loaf at each other. Avatar: Zuko/Katara- I'm not even going to say anything... (Sarah winces as I take a deep breath for a rant) BECAUSE WHO THE HELL THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO PAIR THE FREAKING ELEVEN YEAR OLD WITH A TEENAGER?! Besides the fact, Zuko and Katara are practically engaged in the ninth episode (read: engagement necklace). Trigun: Meryl/Vash- Fills me with warm fuzzies. And the creators like to go "Naner naner naner! We will only HINT so Vash seems completely socially inept." Milly/Wolfwood- There is a Nick Junior, by the by. Milly's just too Milly to show it. Mixed Series: Holly/Artemis (Artemis Fowl)- WOOT for taboo! And non-canon AH. Because seriously, Coilfer? Your attempt was painful. Leave that to your adoring fans. Max/Fang (Maximum Ride)- Canon best friend love. The way they got together makes me want to hurl. Men don't know how to write good romance into a story unless that story was an intended romance. Which Maximum Ride was not. Arwen/Aragorn (Lord Of The Rings)- It's twue wuv. And besides, Aragorn. Legolas is mine, bitch. Spuffy (BtVS)- I.. umm.. actually have nothing more to say. They kind of speak for themselves. As does Spike all on his own Wash (Firefly)- The man is still alive, dammit. He's a sodding leave on the wind. Rayne (Firefly)- Y'all go check out Dyce. Horseshoe Nails 'verse is the new canon. 10th Doctor- David freaking Tennant and Caterine bloody Tate. Should always be on screen together. 11th Doctor- Hmmm, Matt Smith's hands. Benedict Cumberbatch Teal'c- Indeed Oh, and Castle/Firefly references. Made of win and awesome. -looks up- Must. Stop. Doing this. Lit Crit. is invading my brain... In Reference to the Twilight Phenomena: “We are currently breeding the most informed dummies in history.” -BarbadoSlim “My 15-yr-old sister excitedly filled me in on the rest of the story, and I've since decided to force-feed her Narnia books until she pukes or falls ill from Laudable Literature Poisoning.” –Beatfic Barf in reference to the Twilight books “So what we have is Sweet Valley High crossed with TV's Beauty and the Beast, lightly salted with Anne Rice fan fiction? I just knew there was a reason for puberty.” –Funtime42 “It's addictive, trashy crap we all enjoy because just when you think it can't get worse, it does. The only difference now is that we get to watch it on the big screen. And at least Cedric Diggory's pretty.” –CamillaV on Twilight “Seriously though, while the 16 year-olds aren't necessarily gaga over His Glitteriness, it's a fine line.” –Smokin “Don't bother trying to figure it out. It's bigger than you.” –MartDart on Twilight OH FUCK DID JACOB JUST IMPRINT ON THE NEWBORN DEATH BABY? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I JUST WHAT THE FUCK HOLY GODDAMN HELL. |