Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, and Torchwood. Welcome to my Fanfiction. Under a new pen name, I was once a Sailor Moon fan and wrote a series...but you won't find that here, as I was in High school at the time and happen to be incredibly embarrassed by it (and I'd like to think my writing skills have improved in the last 10 years or so since)! Favorite Quote: "My books are water. Those of the great geniuses are wine-everybody drinks water." Mark Twain Much of what I write has some serious or dark undertones, but I enjoy reading anything with sparkling wit and a good bit of humor. I am a devote Harry Potter shipper. Mostly Draco/Hermione (which are most recent and have works in progress to be posted), newly James/Lily, and occasionally Harry/Ginny. I do not support Ron/Hermione, however, so if you're looking for that, I apologize: You won't find it here :) Also, I am a HUGE Yaoi fan: Sasu/Naru/Sasu and Aku/Roku, but I have yet to complete any fanfics that are expected to be posted...though perhaps someday :D Torchwood, Doctor Who and Sherlock have joined the ranks in recent years, but you probably won't find any of those here since they will be mostly above 's rating system :P Find me on AO3 and tumblr under the same name!! I appreciate comments, so please review if you read! Enjoy! UPDATES: Jan. 2013: I know a lot of people were asking about Splintered Consort. I am going to take a moment to discuss this. I did write an ending. It had one and I couldn't wait to get it the rest of it out of my head and onto the internet. Only, once I reread it I pretty much hated everything about it. I didn't think it went along with the tone. I didn't like how it ran from one emotion to another and, to top it all off, I stopped speaking English on a regular basis so the more I tried to write the more sloppy the ideas got. Eventually, I decided to leave it alone in hopes that SOMEDAY inspiration would hit and I'd finally have an ending. For those of you who have been following me, that was some 3 years ago. I apologize. I am back in the states, though, and even if I can't always focus my brain on functioning in it's native language (Which is English, but I'm a foreign languages interpreter) I will tend to have random moments or months where I do nothing but read and watch tv and fangirl like there's no tomorrow. Those are the moments when I can write again. They are sporadic, but I promise they are there. I hope you can all still put up with me :) |