Author has written 34 stories for Harry Potter, Digimon, Suikoden, Gravitation, Kingdom Hearts, and Game X-overs. It's been years since I've been here, but I'm popping in for an update. I will try to work on Facade and Echoes in Silence within the next couple of months. All other fics will be discontinued. And, for those who care: Fandoms I like/will write for: Kingdom Hearts, Digimon, Harry Potter, Suikoden (III mostly), Final Fantasy XII. I DO take requests for these fandoms. I will experiment with pairings too, if you've got something you're dying to read. How to contact me: |
Athena (30) Bleeding-Arora (13) Catherine Rain (14) Ellcrys (90) | Ferrum (35) genki-escapist (29) Lady Genjutsu (23) Minmei (46) | Shibaryou (9) Shorty140 (3) |