
By Lily Evans and Matt Lee

"It only takes time, that's all I need. Soon I will have my revenge. It won't be long until I…


"Checkmate!" Izzy cried. "I can't believe it, Ken! This is the third time today that I've beaten you. Do you have something on your mind?"

Ken looked up from the chessboard, his mind wandering.

"No," he lied. "I'm just a little spacey. Yolie's been acting, well, weird." Ken did seem to be worried about something.

Davis laughed. "Is it that or did Izzy ruin your daydream about what she would look like naked?" Ken glared at him. All the digidestine (except Yolie) were hanging out over at Ken's house playing board games because none of them could think of what to talk about.

Matt wasn't convinced by Ken's lie. "Really Ken, what's up?" he asked.


"You sure?"

"Positive." But there was something on his mind, and someone else's too, but, unlike Ken, they were scheming and thinking 'Who goes first?'


Kari walked to Yolie's house the next day, she had been wondering if what Ken said was true, she wanted to see if Yolie was acting strange. She knocked on the door and it was answered by TK.

"Why are you at Yolie's house TK?" Kari asked him. "Where's Matt? I thought you were spending the day together." TK sighed. "We were," he told her. "Until he said he had to do something and took off." Kari nodded. "Where's Yolie?" she asked him. "She's not here." Kari thanked TK and after convincing him she'd check another time she went home, disappointed.

When she got home she was surprised to find the door wide open. 'Must be Tai home early from soccer practice,' she thought. Then, suddenly, she heard movement.

"Hello?" she called. "Tai?" Nothing. "Is someone there?" Still nothing. "Mom? Dad? Tai? Meko? Is that you?" She screamed as Meko ran past her leg. She heard laughing. Even though she couldn't tell if it was male or female she kept going. "Ha ha, very funny, Tai. That was soooo hilarious," she said sarcastically. She followed the laughing into her room and then… "Hey! What are you doing here? And what are you doing with that?" She pointed to the thing in his/her hand.

S/he laughed. I'm not chopping vegetables." Kari wasn't quite sure what to do. "Well… of course you're not, that's a… a butcher knife." S/he smiled, "I know, and guess what?"

"What?" Kari was almost afraid to know.

"I'm a butcher." Kari sighed with relief, but then s/he said: "and you're my meat!"

Kari tried to scream but her voice caught in her throat. She couldn't move either. In one quick, swift movement s/he stabbed her twice in the heart, once in the back. S/he chuckled, wiped the knife clean, and left, leaving no evidence, except Kari's dead body.


Tai came home from soccer practice a little while later to find the door unlocked. 'Silly me,' he thought. 'I forgot to lock the door.' Then he had other thoughts: 'Maybe Kari came home earlier than I did.' He walked inside, calling for her, then he thought she might be taking a nap and shouldn't bug her. He decided he better not wake her up and get her mad, so he quietly tip toed into their room, then his legs gave way as he collapsed on the floor, next to Kari's dead body.


Everyone was very upset by Kari's sudden death, especially Davis (who couldn't seem to grasp that his girlfriend was dead), Tai, and TK. TK said he would hunt this murderer down and do what s/he did to Kari. Matt seemed disturbed by this and was finally able to calm his brother down.

Meanwhile… the murderer was planning who would go next, s/he had the perfect person in mind too.


Matt and TK walked home together after the funeral for Kari. Matt seemed worried about something. TK noticed this and decided to say something.

"Hey, Matt? Are you okay? I mean, are you afraid of something?" he asked suspiciously. Matt hesitated.

"…No… I'm okay, really." They didn't say anymore, they just walked the rest of the way home, in silence.


Tai didn't really want to be at home, the police didn't want him there either. After TK had left, Tai gave Matt a phone call to see if he could stay over. Matt quickly told him yes and hung up. After he hung up he decided he should meet Tai at the soccer field, he left, thinking something over, very carefully.


Tai thought he'd sit down to rest at the soccer field before he continued onto Matt's house. He sat down and tried not to think about Kari. He wasn't very successful, he kept hearing her cheery voice and her happy laugh. He kept seeing her, then he wondered how Gatomon would take it that her partner was now dead.

Just then, Tai heard someone coming, he got nervous as this person — or animal— ran toward him. Then, from behind him, came a voice, "Hi, Tai."

Tai leaped about a foot in the air. "Don't ever do that again, Matt," he fumed.

"Sorry, man, couldn't help it," Matt explained. Tai was wondering what Matt was doing there, Matt seemed to read his mind and explained, "I decided to meet you halfway so you could have some company."

"Some company," Tai muttered, sarcastically.

On their way back to Matt's house, Tai kept wondering out of all the houses in the complex why did the murderer pick theirs in particular. Was the door unlocked? Or was it something else? He sighed and decided not to think about it anymore. And he wouldn't be able to, either…


Tai walked home early the next morning after Matt fixed him breakfast. He had taken his soccer ball with him because he thought there would be practice but the rain thought otherwise. So he just kicked the soccer ball into the net over and over again until he got tired and sat down on a wet bench.

A short while after someone came by and sat on the bench next to him, fiddling something in their pocket. Tai looked up and smile, s/he smiled back.

"What's up?" the friendly voice asked.

"The clouds," Tai replied, gloomily. S/He looked at him as if he knew his/her secret.

"C'mon, that's no way to be," s/he said. "We all know you still feel sad about Kari but we have to move on sometime." Tai sighed, knowing s/he was right. Just then, he noticed something shiney in his/her pocket. Curiously, Tai asked, "What's that in your pocket?"

"Oh," the once friendly voice replied, pulling it out. "You mean the murder weapon?"

Tai jumped up and tried to run, but the murderer grabbed him by the legs that sent him to the ground. Quickly, the murderer stabbed him while he was still in shock from the fall. S/He stabbed him three times in the back and left him there to die. The murderer's identity was still unknown to all except three people, Tai, Kari, and the murderer him/herself.


The next day, Jun called Matt to see if he would pick Davis up from soccer practice (of course it was really a scheme to get Matt to come over). TK was came over in the morning and decided to come with him. When they got there, however, they saw a crowd of people standing in a circle. TK looked worried, but Matt just sighed and walked over.

They squeezed into the circle, and when they saw why everyone was standing around TK gasped and covered his eyes. There, in the middle of the circle, was Tai's dead body. TK was really upset about this but Matt showed no emotion whatsoever. He just stood there, fiddling with something in his pocket.

To Be Continued…

Next chapter up soon. Review Please!