![]() Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. Hey I'm Susan, an eighteen-year-old from the U.S.A. I am more of a reader than a writer, but I had some plots that were up in my head itching to be written :) I mostly read Harry Potter fanfiction and only read couplings that are canon and my new addiction seems to be Glee! Well, I figured that why not put up a favorite pairings list, since I simply can :) Favorite Pairings: Harry Potter: Ron and Hermione- my most favorite to read and my most favorite to pair Harry and Ginny- I like this pair, but, honestly, I will probs not read a story about them Percy and Audry- I read a couple of stories about them and fell in love Hermione and Cormac- Once I saw the movie, I fell in love with Cormac, and realized he was only a little bit jerky :) Glee: Emma and Will- LOVE. enough said. Finn and Rachel- i have liked them together since the first episode, and i will not stop liking them, even with Puck being thrown in there Least Favorite Pairings: Harry Potter: Hermione and Harry- - its just NOT right, they are like brother and sister; pretty much incest Hermione and Draco-- its just WRONG, and doesnt make ANY sense Draco and Ginny-- once again wrong Harry and Luna-- I just dont like them together, I dunno Ron and Harry-- they are just friends Glee: Terri and Will- okay that lady needs soms SERIOUS help! Emma and Carl- she belongs with Will! I also like to read missing moment stories from HBP and DH, and I strangely like the stories with Cormac :) Thats all that I can think about at the moment though... Oh... wait.. yes... I remember! I aplogize for my lack of British words, and I am also EXTREMELY busy, all the time with soccer, school and drama practice so my stories will probs not be updated that quickly, sorry. You know how some people go on in rants on their profiles, and it gets super annoying, but you read them anyways? Well this is like that. Following are some of my pet peeves that I have noticed on fanfiction that seriously annoy me to no end. As authors, please, please please have confidence in your story! Don't say, "Well, I hate this," or "I know this is awful, but..." If you think your story is terrible, then don't put it up. You obviously have the guts to put it up in the first place, so don't start off a story admitting that you do not like how it turned out. If you do not like how it turned out, then don't post it. From now on, if someone belittles their own story in an author's note or summary, I refuse to read it! Also, sidenote, somewhat related thing. Please don't write in your summary, "I am awful at writing summaries." Because guess what, you are. It does not take long to think of one, just write something, anything from the story, even a quote! Because if you cannot write a decent summary, then how will your story be any better? Okay, rant over, that has just been bothering me recently; people need to stop that! |