Author has written 11 stories for Lord of the Rings, and Silmarillion. 8/9/02 - Everything seems to be back up and working, but in case something happens again you can check for my work at the Henneth Annun story archives, or you can visit me at the yahoo silmfics group.The name's Shauna and I'll give you a brief introduction to myself which you can skip over and I won't be insulted (hey, I won't even know). I'm a student, basically, with plenty of free time on my hands so I can write, although to be honest I write when I don't have free time as well. I lean towards books based on the Silmarillion, but I can appreciate well written LotR fics. I write in the beginning of the first age but have a deep appreciation for those who can handle the constant battles of later on. I write and read both slash and het. I've read several good books lately which I'd love to recommend to you: 'The Alienist' by Caleb Carr, a wonderful psychological thriller; 'Cry to Heaven' by Anne Rice, a completely non-vampirey story about castrati coming of age in Italy; and 'The Dreyfus Affair' by Peter Lefcourt, a book that combines two of my favorite things in the world - baseball and homoeroticsm. It's about a shortstop who falls in love with his second baseman. Just don't picture David Wells in a tight uniform while you read it. |