Lady Augustin
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Joined 02-18-09, id: 1842968, Profile Updated: 08-16-12
Author has written 2 stories for Xena: Warrior Princess.

Basic Information

Screen Name: Lady Augustin

Gender: Female

Marital Status/Children: Happily Married/Proud Mother

Hobbies: Surfing the Internet, spending time with my family, talking, reading, and sleeping

Favorite's List

Favorite Fan-fiction Categories: Xena:Warrior Princess, Labyrinth, Hellsing, True Blood, and Aliens vs Predators

Favorite Tv-Series: Xena: Warrior Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and True Blood

Favorite Couples: Xena/Ares, Sarah/Jareth, Seras/Alucard, and Sookie/Eric

Favorite Movies: Legend, Labyrinth, Dracula, and Queen of The Damned

Favorite Genre's: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-fi, Action, and Romance

Favorite Interest: Vampires, Werewolves, anything Mythical

Favorite Music Genre's: 70's, 80's, Light Rock, and Pop

Favorite Anime/Manga Series: Hellsing and Inuyasha

Favorite Action: Swordsmanship and Gladiators

Favorite Quote

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves." -- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Favorite Movie Quote

"There is a balance to the universe. The struggle to maintain that balance is the stuff of legends. For there can be no good without evil. No love, without hate. Life needs death. Innocence feeds lust. There can be no heaven without hell. No light, without...Darkness." -- Riddley Scott's Legend (1985)

The Ten Commitments (Commandments) for Marriage

I. "Thou shalt have no other human being before your husband or your wife."
No other human being should come before your mate - no one, neither father nor mother, son nor daughter, brother nor sister, friend nor acquaintance.

II. "Thou shalt put no thing before your husband or wife."
You should put no thing between each other. No house should ever come before your spouse. Whether house, car, pleasure, money, or fame - nothing."

III. "Thou shalt not belittle, criticize or fault-find, but rather encourage your spouse in all ways."
Since God's Word teaches us to make no idols, it follows that we are to honor each others name. Honor each other and seek to put each other first above any other person on earth.

IV. "Thou shalt remember her/his day, to keep it special."
Set time aside for the two of you so you may not grow apart but even closer. Your spouse and your children are worthy of your time and your undivided attention.

V. "Thou shalt give honor not only to your father and mother, but to those who become your father-in-law and mother-in-law."
As you two become one, you marry into another family. Wise is the husband or wife who does not take it upon himself or herself to find fault with those who are related to their spouse.

VI. "Thou shalt not destroy the spirit within your spouse."
Husbands, do not destroy your bride's dreams and hopes for the future which she now places in your hands. Most of man's earthly happiness depends upon his wife. Most assuredly God will bless a man in this life, yet John Wesley discovered that, regardless of a noble cause, a woman can make a man most miserable. Wife, covenant that you will not be such a person. Both of you must honor and build up the person-hood of the other.

VII. "Thou shalt give your passions only to each other, not to another."
You should not give away your passions to another in word, in thought, or in deed. This person beside whom you stand on your wedding day is to be your lover as well as your helpmate and your best friend.

VIII. "Husband, steal not from your wife that which is her privilege to give. Wife, receive what he gives to you with gratitude".
The spirit of gratitude can greatly can greatly bless a home. If your minds are filled with thoughts of gratitude, and if you look on that which you do have and not that which you do not have, you will be blessed.

IX. "Thou shalt not bear false witness to each other."
Be honest with each other. Dishonesty and an unwillingness to talk through differences build a silent wall which is not easily dismantled. The real self, then, refuses to be disclosed, and a couple may gradually begin to drift apart.

X. "Thou shalt not seek greener pastures, whether they be those things physical or material." Do no engage in selfish fantasies. Be content with the one whom God has given to you, and God will bless your lives together.

The Ten Commitments (Commandments) of Motherhood

I. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s life.
Remember that old adage, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence? Well it is true. Their life might look easier, they may have nicer stuff in their garage, their children may seem better behaved, their career more fulfilling or exciting… but never forget they are looking back over the fence and thinking the same thing about your grass.

II.Thou shall not believe every self-proclaimed expert on parenting.
Trust your own instincts. If someone’s advice doesn’t resonate with you, ignore it. You are the best expert on your own children.

III. Thou shall force thy children to do chores and other things which make them momentarily unhappy.
Always remember being a parent isn’t about being your child’s friend, it is about raising happy, healthy, successful human beings. And happy, healthy, successful human beings need to know how to do laundry, load the dishwasher, and brush their teeth.

IV. Thou shall not shake thy children, even the teenage ones.
Contrary to popular belief you can not shake some sense into them. Oh, you will want to. Restrain yourself. Count to 100. And then pour yourself a stiff drink.

V. Thou shall make thy words sweet, because you will have to eat them many, many times.
The best way to make sure that your child will do some horrible thing or exhibit some awful behavior is to utter the words, “My child will never…”

VI. Thou shall forgive.
Everyone makes mistakes, it’s how we all learn to be better people. So offer forgiveness freely and without strings to your children, your spouse, your friends, but most of all forgive yourself for your shortcomings. If motherhood has done nothing else for me, it has taught me about all my own character flaws and made me much more tolerant of them in other people.

VII. Thou shall put no false gods before your family.
Don’t believe that material objects will make you happier, they won’t. Don’t fall into the trap of saying we will be happy when we have x, y, or z. The happiest families are those that spend time together and enjoy each other.

VIII. Thou shall not judge other mothers, neither shall you use other mothers as a yardstick by which you judge yourself.
We all struggle with different areas of motherhood. There is no such thing as a perfect mother. Remember when you were a teenager and your mother told you not to compare your inside to someone elses outside? Well, that still holds true. We all have different strengths. We all have our weaknesses. We will all lose our tempers in the grocery store check-out line at least once.

IX. Thou shall say No and not feel guilty.
Say no to commitments that don’t enrich your life. Say no to people who drag you down. Say no to your children, even when they whine and cry. Especially when they whine and cry.

X. Thou shall take care of thyself.
So many mothers get lost the first few years of parenthood. They stop taking care of themselves. They put the desires and needs of everyone else before their own. Taking care of yourself is being selfish. Just like a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, a family unit is only as happy as the unhappiest member.

XI. Thou shall maintain a sense of humor.
Especially when it comes to yourself. Laugh. Laugh often and with enthusiasm. There will be days when it is a fine line between laughter and tears, choose laughter.

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Have you ever wondered/imagined how Ares and Xena's first night together was like?... Well, now you can check if your theory was right after all:
Xena: Warrior Princess - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,109 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 6 - Published: 8/3/2012 - Xena, Ares - Complete
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