Author has written 3 stories for Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, and Naruto. Okay. Hmm. Err. Yeah. So. Right. Imgood12 here, 22 yrs. old. A CPA working in the city. :) Living in the middle of the tropics, on sunny, sunny Philippines. Pretty tall, 5'11. And has been writing stories ever since I was a little kid. Currently, I'm writing Naruto and Katekyo Hitman Reborn fanfics but I guess at some point I'll go try something else. MY STORIES TSUNA'S DECISION - Winner of the Reborn Wiki 8000 Likes Contest for Best KHR fanfiction. Probably the longest story I've ever written. Daring you to read it within an hour; all 100k words. Remember, length is love. YOURS TRULY, ANONYMOUS - COMPLETE. One of my best works yet. Don't let the length, or the shifting POV's bother you. I've been intricately placing easy-to-find indications to help you guide through the voice-overs. I hope you'll find yourself reading this up til the end. I'm not boasting though, but it is pretty decent. THE PRINCESS AND THE FOX - Discontinued. I'm currently working on a new project, still NaruSaku with roughly the same setting. Due to be released late January or early February 2017. Olny srmat poelpe can raed this. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The FACT: WHEN A PERSON IS WRITING, 93% ON THE OPTIMAL SPACE OF THE BRAIN USED FOR COGNITION IS UTILIZED. FACT: A WRITER IS 15% SMARTER THAN AN AVERAGE PERSON. FACT : REAL READERS "NEVER" REFER TO REVIEW COUNT AS A BASIS FOR A GOOD STORY. THEY READ IT FIRST THEN REFER IT TO OTHERS IF IT'S A GOOD STORY. FACT : ONE COMPLETE AND REAL REVIEW IS BETTER THAN A THOUSAND EFFORTLESS REVIEWS. REVIEWING ON YOURSELF TO INCREASE REVIEW COUNT IS A STUPID THING TO DO. IT'S LIKE GIVING YOURSELF YOUR OWN AUTOGRAPH AND THANKING YOURSELF AFTERWARDS. FACT : WHEN YOU FINISHED READING THIS LINE, YOU ARE NOW A BETTER WRITER/READER THAN YOU WERE BEFORE. |
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