Author has written 3 stories for Robert Asperin. A silly place for silly stories I couldn't get out of my head. If anyone recognizes the first chapter of one of these stories, yes you read it before but the account I used was lost and apparently purged for whatever reason. At the moment this is for some fanfic for Robert Asprin's stuff, primarily the Myth Adventures series he began years ago and he and Jody Lynn Nye have picked back up, much to my joy. The copyright to all recognizable features of the Myth Adventures series belongs to them and my stories are in no way intended to injure or defraud them by making money. With that out of the way, I also enjoy comics, especially some of the older stuff. I'm not quite sure what DC or Marvel are up to right now, nor am I sure I want to know, other than my deeply loving, long term relationship with Deadpool. If you have any questions, please review one of my stories, as I intend to keep my email hidden for privacy. Story info: Myth-Use: re-posted. I picked this back up again after the original second half of the story (which hadn't been posted) was actually lost. I've edited the whole thing, spelling errors corrected and the overall readability is much better in this draft. Status: finished. There is incredibly light slash here of the Aahz/Skeeve variety, I kid you not, and thus this is slightly AU. There's nothing gratuitous and I believe I've capture the characters as best as I can, not being the authors. Myth-ed but not Forgotten: Sequel to Myth-Use, multi-chapter. This continues the AU all the way up through Myth-Chief, where Skeeve deals with his the fall out of his decisions. Status: tentatively finished in that I have an active work and school schedule about to pick back up and I don't want to leave on a cliffhanger which might not be picked up again for another year. Even lighter in the Aahz/Skeeve department than before, but the implication is there. Myths Retold: I have an abiding love of time-travel, and Skeeve and Aahz suffer, or enjoy accordingly. Also tentatively finished for the same reasons. Currently lacks anything resembling pairings, but I've always thought Aahz and Skeeve are adorable friends so I hope this makes someone happy to read. |