Author has written 10 stories for Card Captor Sakura. I don't know if anyone reads this, but anyways, this is me... Latest Updates: (16 May 07) ~ Impt Note: Some of you may have realised that I'm not updating as often... (HUGE understatement!) Well, I currently in a course, working towards my diploma... and the more lectures I attend, the more confused I am @_@ Thus, I need all the extra credits I could get... lol! ~ Also, I have limited time, so I'm currently concentrating on 3 fics; To Break Your Fear (My favourite one xD), Crushing on You, and Love of Silence. Sorry about the others though. Not discontinued, but left on hold for a while. Oh, and I have changed my email address... Add me to MSN if ya want... and feel free to email me if ya have any questions... Email addie is: twinstar_belle@ ~Amber- chan |