Hey, peeps! Okies, go ahead and kill me for not updating in 2 years. But if you do that, you won't know the ending. :D Neways, I can only say it's all because of my studies, and it doesn't help that I'm going for internship soon. But Chapter 14 has been typed out, and it's safely in my thumbdrive. So… I'm BACK!! xD

Card Captor Sakura
Crushing on You
Starlight Crystal
Disclaimer: I do not own CCS, but the story is purely my idea. So, don't sue!
Chapter 12

Tomoyo kicked her feet against the ground, and the swing swung backwards again. She looked down at the kids playing around her, deep in thought. Pushing her body forward, she made the swing go up again, and for the hundredth time that day, her thoughts drifted to him.

Him wasn't Syaoran, her supposed husband. The image of a navy-eyed man popped up, and she sighed. The swing at Penguin Park has been her favorite hangout since childhood. It was where Syaoran proposed to her, and it was also where she first cried when Sakura left. She touched her lips; the same one 15-year old Eriol had kissed. She shook her head, trying to clear the image.

NO! That wasn't what she should be thinking of. Never mind the fact that she's married now; Sakura was her best friend, for heaven's sake! She should not be dreaming of her best friend's boyfriend! Her amethyst eyes wandered around the park. She had given up kicking and pushing minutes ago, and the swing was slowly coming to a stop.

Tomoyo was about to hop off the swing, when she felt a pair of hands gently pushed her from behind. Her body went up again, and curious, she turned her head back, expecting to see a little boy pushing her. She froze, when the same person she had been day-dreaming of was smiling at her from below.

Eriol gave a little shrug, and smiled up at her, his eyes holding that mischievous twinkle as before. Suddenly, she felt as if she was 15 again. Putting all her weight into her body, she swung back hard at Eriol. With a satisfying "oof!" Eriol stumbled back, and glared at her.

"I'll get you for that, Daidouji!" He growled. With a yelp, Tomoyo hopped off the swing, and ran behind a red-haired boy half her height.

"I'll buy you a lolly if you fend me from that bully!" she feigned fear, putting the boy in between her and Eriol. The boy's head of red curls eagerly nodded, putting on a brave look and glaring at Eriol.

"Ooooh! That's low of you, bribing a five year old!" Eriol let his eyes roam around, looking for someone to help too. With a triumph whoop, he marched towards a blond-haired girl, who was building a sandcastle.

"Heya, what's your name, little girl?" Eriol squatted down so that he was at eye level with her. "Claire. My name's Claire," she smiled back up at him. "Hi Claire, I'm Eriol. Tell you what, I'll help you with that, if you can get the little boy off from my friend," he whispered to her ears. Nodding excitedly, the little child marched with new purpose to the boy, whose face turned the exact shade of his hair upon seeing her.

"Cl- Claire!" he squeaked, not looking too brave anymore.

"Hey there, Aaron! Wanna build a sandcastle with me?" her chocolate eyes looking up at him expectantly. The boy didn't stand a chance. Flashing an apologetic look at Tomoyo, he eagerly went off with Claire, leaving Tomoyo to fend for herself.

"You cheated!" Tomoyo glared at Eriol.

"You started it!" Eriol grinned back. And not giving Tomoyo a chance to run, he lifted her up, and sat her back on the swing.

"Stop it!! AHHHHHH!" Tomoyo screamed, hitting her hands against Eriol.

"Hey kids, anyone want to help push her? She's heavy! I'll treat all helpers to ice cream!" Eriol called out, ignoring Tomoyo's screams of protest.

Immediately, ten kids surrounded them, all eagerly pushing Tomoyo's swing. Eriol smiled back up at her. Tomoyo had finally broken into a smile, since Syaoran left.

"I guess she really loved him," he thought back sadly.

Syaoran smiled at the sleeping Sakura's form. She was hugging the bolster, her auburn curls falling around her. She seemed much better that the previous days, back when she would wake up screaming in the middle of the night.

He hated the bastard who did that to her, and so, he had slept at the couch in her room each night, comforting her when she cried, or when she screamed. The sparkle that was once so bright in her eyes, were at times; replaced with fear.

And he swore to get that bastard no matter what.


Sakura's eyes fluttered open, and she looked around her. Syaoran was no where to be seen. Yawning, she turned off the alarm clock and smiled; she was up early for once.

Just as she was about to open the bathroom door, it opened from the other end, revealing Syaoran in nothing but a white towel, with the hotel logo on it.


"You think Sakura's gonna be okay?" Tammie asked, her hazel eyes flashing with worry.

"She's Sakura, she'll pull through," Aidan replied, giving Tammie a tight squeeze.

Just then, the front door opened, with a laughing Tomoyo and Eriol walking in. Tammie shot Aidan a grin, before walking up to them.

"Hey, guys!" she smiled up at them. It was time to tell the truth.


Okies… please R+R!! And I'll love ya!!

xox Starlight Crystal xox