![]() Author has written 31 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Firefly, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Hello Profileall. My name is Jen, and I'm a professional fandom creeper/ninja. I'm a dork, and I like pie. Also: subtext. I like my boys on other boys. I pick up subtext faster than a second language. I am a college graduate in the process of getting her Masters in History, and despite my background in writing long, arduous papers in short periods of time, I am an extremely slow writer. I write in bursts of inspiration, which could carry me anywhere between an hour and three days at a time. I always like seeing that people enjoy what I've written, but I'm not overly Nazi-ish about reviews. They just make my day a little better :D Fandoms: Death Note, Kingdom Hearts, Saiyuki, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Final Fantasy games, Loveless, Peacemaker Kurogane, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Gravitation, D.Gray-man, Samurai 7, No. 6, Avatar: the Last Airbender/the Legend of Korra I will also updating on LJ (for smuttier stories and versions of chapters, as well as a few little extras) at darthvair-65 @lj - I changed my pen name here to match the name I use pretty much everywhere else, hahaha. Updates: 1/9 Posted charity fic It Comes Down to Fate 10/24 Posted Part 2 of Count the Days 8/12/11 Posted Part 1 of new zombie AU Count the Days - Happy AkuRoku day everyone! 6/20/11 Posted the prologue of Count the Days - fyi this isn't a 'Toy Guns' series continuation, it's a new series entirely :) 5/10/11 Completed Moped Romance 4/13/11 Posted Crossroad 3/31/11 Posted Someone Like You 2/14/11 Happy Valentine's Day! Have some more zombies 2/3/11: Posted Barriers, a Viking fic for my BetaWife. Here's the inspiration pic~ http:///h4l80dsj In Progress: Untitled commission fic for ravewalker Count the Days - Safety is always an illusion once the dead start to walk. Barriers sequel Crossroad part 4 Bicycle ~ part 3 Prompt!fics~ random songs paired with assorted characters! Can be found at my lj under 'Meme' - some are already up in the comments. Future projects (aka the Back Burner): multiple untitled fics with basic ideas swirling around. When they solidify I'll post them here. Fanart, holy crap! The lovely pro_kira on livejournal has done some awesome work for two of my fics! |