Hey peps... So I'm Luce. Got the name from a character of mine named Lucia on Guildwars that got shortened to Luce by my bff. About myself: Live in a tiny town in Nebraska. Used to work part-time at 2 different Walmarts for almost 3 years and now I'm currently working part-time at a truck stop. Never want to go back to Walmart ever again. For those of you who do work there I feel sorry for you. Currently 21 and now legal to drink :D. Huge fan of RPG games and a variety of different animes. Currently my favorite anime right now is Hetalia. It's really short but hillarious. So for my story I've kinda lost interest in writing it. As you could probably tell I'm not much of a writer but every now and then i get some kind of idea and it nags me til I at least attempt to write it. As of right now I'm still busy with my social life and also being beta for my bff Zo One. Current interests: Skyrim, Guildwars, reading, traveling (even though I haven't traveled much), window shopping, and yankke candles (I have an obsession of buying them and really need to stop) Dislikes: Black Liqourice (how my bff can stand that stuff I do not know), work (stupid boss that just likes annoying me), getting up between 7 and 9 (can never seem to get the energy to do anything at that time), and catching a cold... |
Blackened Wing (20) | Scout19 (5) Zo One (37) |