Author has written 3 stories for Pokémon, Naruto, Harry Potter, and Soul Eater. Hey! This is the shared account of Tru and Neko, which has now been taken over by Tru! I'm keeping Neko's old Pokemon story on here, "Welcome to the Ikimono League", with her permission. :) o o o Tru's Profile: Name: Tru, named after my favorite character from Jedi Quest. Gender: Female Favorite books: Jedi Quest series, Warriors, Harry Potter,Naruto, various graphic novels and others. Favorite TV shows: I watch Naruto and Pokemon. I also recently watched Soul eater and liked it very much. Favorite Pokemon: My all-time favorite is Ivysaur. I also like Nidorans male and female, Rattatas, and sandshrews. Gengars are amusing. Least favorite Pokemon: I dislike Shieldons and Pikachu. I also extremely dislike fighting Bronzors. Favorite Characters: Kiba and Akamaru from Naruto, Tru from Jedi Quest, Graystripe from Warriors, Ron from Harry Potter. Least Favorite Characters: Rock Lee from Naruto, Ash from Pokemon. |
Jedi Goat (53) |