Author has written 8 stories for Glee, and Book of Mormon. Hey everyone! I guess it's high-time for me to introduce myself. I've been keeping this page blank for quite a while because I have no idea as to what exactly I could put in here. So are some of the basics: Name: Mel Incredibly Vague Bio: The personification of average. Age: Old enough Occupation: Currently Unemployed T~T Website: LiveJournal, Tumblr FIC MASTERLIST As of today, these are the stories that I have done (What it says on the tin, basically). It isn't much...I don't have enough to make my own library, but it's a start. This (hopefully) will be updated as I post up new updates and stories. Please take note of the ratings and read the warnings, spoilers, and author's note before you scroll down to read the story. Not all of these fics can be found here, but I will be importing some of them soon enough. But as of now, most of them will remain quarantined at LJ. They're not the best (and most of them are pretty embarrassing, IMO), but read them if you dare. --o-- GENERAL WARNING: Un-betaed fics with a dash of awkward sentence construction. Current Fandom(s): `Glee; ~Book of Mormon Genre of Choice: Angst, Friendship, General --o-- Completed `Off-Broadway (Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Ensemble): Rachel is going in for the kill to finally grab that elusive Tony award she's been dreaming of since she was nine. With the most talented cast and crew she could ever hope for right behind her, it seemed that this will be her year. But an unexpected casting change of her leading man simply throws her off her game and despite their history, they do have the chemistry. Can they still make magic on stage and wow the audience? Or will it all fall flat on their faces? `"Bury Me In Satin, Lay Me Down On A Bed Of Roses"* (Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman): He was known to keep things to himself; every cutting remark, every retort, every slip of a note, every healing scar, every mottling bruise...he harbors them, tucks them neatly into his subconscious and into rather sophisticated designer wear because he was Kurt Hummel, and Hummels don't let others get the best of them physically or emotionally. But in truth, he's been asking...screaming...begging for help and really, it doesn't take much for anyone to notice. That is if they bother to notice at all. `Angel Whispers* (Kurt Hummel and Burt Hummel, Ensemble): A lot can happen in the course of a weekend and planned or not, his life is in the hands of fate. But it is up to you to see the signs and hear the whispers. Would you sit idly by and take it as it is? Or are you willing to find him before it’s too late? His life is in the hands of fate, it’s up to you to hear his whispers. `^Just A Little Action To Calm Down The Nerves* (Santana/Kurt): The Cheerios find themselves at Nationals with a tightly wound up solo vocalist. Now what can Sue Sylvester do to remedy that? Why, bring out her resident slutty Cheerio to work on some magic, of course! `It Takes Three* (Santana/Brittany/Kurt): When Santana finds herself confronted with a depressed Brittany, she enlists the one and only Kurt Hummel to help her get Brittany out of her funk. --o-- Works In Progress: `Crossroads (Kurt Hummel, Quinn Fabray): Everyone has left Lima, living their dreams in road trips and college, except for you. You're stuck in this cow town and there's no one you could talk but your dad. You think at what could be while you have your hands covered in grease, but you turn to look and find her sitting there all sad and lonely...and broken. You wipe the grease off your hands thinking that maybe, just maybe you could find someway to make everything alright again. `What We've Become (Will Schuester, Ensemble): When Will traces his kids for a 10-year reunion, will he be met by positive responses? Or will their current predicaments hinder the possibility of meeting up at all? Follow Will as he discovers that no matter which songs you sing or which notes you can hit, it all comes down to that all familiar phrase that: Not all dreams can be met. In Africa (Elder Cunningham, Elder Price, Elder McKinley): A month in Uganda flies none too quickly and somehow that’s enough to change the people in it. There were victories, both big and small, but there will always be a new threat lying in the shadows…waiting. They are, after all, in Africa. --o-- *Mature Content ^Nominated for the glee_fic_awards -- Thank you so much for this. I was quite surprised when this came seeing that this genre was never my forte :D |