Author has written 8 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, and Naruto. 1-15-03-- UPDATE! I posted Hiccup 5 and i've got the next chapter of RK:JR writtnen, but it's bad and needs work and i could post it but you would be disappionted so i'm going to work on it some more between classes, but i'm taking Calc 2, Chem 3, Chem 8, Physics 21 and physics 22 this semester so who knows when that will be.7-29-02--Excuse time! As you all know, I went to an all girls' school--Rosati, yes, I did actually go there--and now I've started college. This college, UMR, however, is offically 75% male--though most females do not live in the dorms, if that perentage is correct. Yeah... that's the problem people... that and some family issues have happened and then there is this little thing called class and homework and sleep... that last one i haven't had much time at all to do--as told by the nice DARK circles under my eyes... I've been doing my best to find some time to fic and you'll get somethign of something soon--i promise. If anything, i've got a 3 day weekend coming up and will have it at least handwritten by the end of that. Thanx much! :þ |