Zoids: Gundam Rising

A Zoids/Gundam Wing crossover

Chapter 1

I do not own Zoids or Gundam Wing

"GO SCHNEIDER!" Bit launched out of the hover cargo, in the orange Liger transformation armor. The blitz team was fighting a new team in the S class. They called themselves the striker team. They were armed with a Cannon Tortoise, a Lighting Saix, and Saber Fang. Leena's Gun Sniper and, the Shadow Fox were already deployed.

"Ok team." Jamie called through the comm. "This should be a fairly easy battle. Whatever moron equipped that Lightning Saix with all that extra armor and weapon systems, obviously forgot that it would be too much a strain on the legs of Saix. So the Schneider should be able to cut through the armor.

"Gotcha Jamie! Liger and me will take that guy out, no problem! Right Liger?" The Liger Zero roared in response.

"Boy! You are pretty cocky this early in the morning, Bit." Leena sneered

"No. Just confident that Liger can take on any of these punks!"

"Yeah sure, leave it all to Bit." Brad mumbled. The Judge capsule streaked across the sky, and impacted in the earth below, leaving a huge crater. Both teams waited patiently for the judge to dig itself out of the enormous hole. Slowly it did so. The capsule reached the view above the crater, the latches disengaged, and the protective plate lifted up so the judge could scan the battlefield.

"The area within a three mile radius is now a designated Zoid battlefield. Only warriors and personnel are authorized. Area scanned, battlefield set up. The Blitz team versus the Striker team. Battle mode 0982. Ready, FIGHT!" The Cannon Tortoise immediately opened fire from its heavy cannons. The Lightning Saix also opened fire, guns all blazing. The Saix, unfortunately for the pilot, missed the targets completely.

"Man, that guy wastes ammo almost as much as Leena does."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, BIT CLOUD!?" Leena screeched. Bit laughed out loud and charged with the Liger. The Schneider clashed with the Saix, and cut off the guns on its right side, and damaged one of its legs. The pilot cursed as his system froze. That left the Tortoise and the Tiger. Brad was already on the move to take on the Tiger, his gatlin gun fired away at it. The shots landed on the side of the Tiger, causing it to be off balance. Brad charged the laser claw, and slashed off its gun, and ripped apart most of its back. Leena had already started running to get in close range of the Cannon Tortoise. She had a huge grin on her face.

"HAHAHA! Weasel unit total assault!" Leena laughed maniacally and emptied her ammo reserves into the Tortoise. After the dust had settled, the ending siren blared.

"The Battle is over, the battle is over. The winner is. The Blitz team!" The judge announced.

"Nice shooting Leena. Typical insanity as usual." Bit commented.

"OH! I'm going to get you Bit!" Leena screamed.

That night, the sands were shifting through the desert. Four young men were gathered around a campfire. Behind them, four giant camouflaged Mechs were sitting in the dunes. The one man with brown hair wrapped in a long ponytail lock started speaking.

"So? Do any of you guys know why Zack brought us all the way out here? I mean we are pretty far away from Earth and the new alliance."

"That is a good question Duo, Zachary must have a good reason to gather us all together, especially with our Gundams too." A blonde haired man replied.

"Quatre. You were the closest to Zack, what do you think he's up too?" A man, with long brown hair that covered part of his face, asked.

"Well, the only way I knew Zack was when I met up with the professors. He was the lead test pilot for all of the Gundams. And he knows nearly everything about all of them. We made conversation during Sandrock's development. He was, from what I gathered from our talks, dedicated to ending the war between the Earth, and the colonies. But, he always thought that actions spoke louder than words, so he helped out the most in creating the Gundams." The others grew quiet. The noticed the last man with them just looking to the stars.

"Well, Wufei? What do you think?" The Chinese man did not respond, he just continued to watch the sky. They all returned to eating their meal. They heard a shuffling through the sands. They all immediately pulled their weapons, and Wufei drew his sword. A man with ear length raven hair came out of the shadows, and entered the camp. He took a seat on one of the rocks that surrounded the fire. The four Gundam pilots relaxed.

"Zack, needless to say, you startled us."

"I didn't figure you would be so easily disturbed, Trowa." Zack added some twigs to the fire. There was then an awkward prolonged silence. Quatre broke the silence.

"So Zack. Why are we all here? The war is over, and you brought our Gundams along." Zack's dark blue eyes glowed in the fire's light. Duo looked right at him.

"Come on Zack, something's up. Tells us why we are here." Zack shook his head.

"To be honest, gentlemen, I can't tell you all what the mission is just yet." They all looked at him with serious faces. "However, I can answer one of your more obvious questions."

"Which would be what?" Wufei asked.

"Just how are we supposed to survive out on this planet? The answer is surprisingly simple."

"Enlighten us then." Duo said bluntly.

"There is one thing that this planets economy runs on." He paused. "Zoid battles."

"Zoid battles? What are zoids?"

"Zoids are mechanical combat machines, not unlike mobile suits."

"Has this planet had any wars? I mean they have technology similar to mobile suits, who knows what the consequences would be!" Quatre cried.

"Easy, Quatre. Yes this planet, named Zi, has had its complications as to what to do with the Zoids. However, they are now just used for sport competitions." Zack answered.

"So we are going to be joining these contests for money right? So we can survive?"

"Exactly Duo. We will have to modify the Gundams a little, so we can meet up to the Zoid Battle Commission's standards, but nothing that will hamper their performance." Zack replied.

"So. are there any other surprises we should be aware of?" Wufei asked.

"No, just that you should keep up your combat skills, because most of these warriors have never seen a humanoid Zoid. So they may come up with some incredible skills we have never seen before. This is because that the zoids are animal based. Such as a tiger, or a dinosaur."

"So, we may have to come up with some improvising techniques of our own."

"Right Trowa. So I'm counting on you guys to battle your best, until."

"Until what?" Zack smiled.

"Until I figure out what our enemy is up too. Then we make our move." The Gundam pilots thought about that for a little while. They heard a loud humming overhead of them a few minutes later. "Team Gundam. That would be our ride. Let's go say hi to Howard."

"Howard? He's here too?" Duo asked.

"What about Heero?" Zack shook his head at Wufei's question.

"Heero has his own issues, wanted to stay behind with Wing Zero, in case anything happened. My actual guess is that he has a thing for Relena Peacecraft."

"Yeah, I figured he couldn't be all battle mode like we usually see him." Duo smirked.

"Actually, before we programmed him, you would never guess what his personality was like." They all raised their eyebrows.

"Just what was Heero like?" Zack grinned.

"That's classified."

Later that night, the Gundams were secured, and their pilots were taking a rest inside the guest quarters onboard the Peacemillion 2. Zack was looking over all of the Gundams. Deathscythe Hell, Heavyarms, Altron, and Sandrock. He went to the panels that they were connected to. He downloaded the information of the systems diagnostic he ran over them into his data pad. He walked out of the hanger, and into the turbo elevator. The elevator activated and took off towards the bridge. Zack looked over the data, seeing that everything was working perfectly. All of the combat memory was intact since the first combat runs Zack himself had performed. The elevator stopped with a jolt, as it had arrived on the bridge level.

"Hey Zack! How goes it?" Howard greeted him.

"Hey Howard." Zack entered the bridge, and went over to his old friend. Zack himself was 23, and had worked on the colony Gundam project for two years. He had mostly worked with the combat systems, and was familiar with all of the Gundams.

"Did you guys get the part we need for the UXZ?"

"We had one hell of a time getting it, but we managed to get one ready." Howard responded.

"Good. We can begin work on it tomorrow when the boys are out on their mission for tomorrow."

"Right, this is gonna be our best project ever. The ultimate war machine!" Howard rubbed his palms together, getting excited. Zack was looking out the view port, watching the twin moons of Zi. "Say, Zack? Just why did you take on this mission? Sure you have plenty of advisory experience, but why did you want to take command?" Zack broke his gaze from the moonlight.

"I felt I had the most experience in situations like these." Howard still looked at him with curiosity. "Plus, my knowledge of the past is up to date, so I know their tactics."

"Sounds like you're pretty sure it's the Deadman Corp."

"There is no doubt in my mind that it is those bastards."

"Just so I know. Where are the boys going to be heading?" Zack was about to answer, but they were interrupted by the comm. Officer.

"Commander Knight!" Zack turned his attention to him. "A man on the line asking for you. Says he's returning your call." Zack nodded.

"Put him through." The main comm screen came online, and displayed a man wearing a black trench coat with sunglasses on. He was eating some noodles, and wasn't paying attention. "You must be Doctor Leyon." The man jumped, and spilled his noodles.

"Y-Yeah, that's me." Zack smiled. "You were asking for my services? Something about how I would just love to help you?"

"That's right."

"Who are you anyway?" Leyon asked.

"Zachary Knight, leader of a new team to the Zoid Class S ranks."

"And what do you want with me? If this is about the Backdraft group, I'm no longer involved with them!" Zack shook his head.

"This involves helping someone that is, shall we say, close to you."

"And who might that be? He asked as he started slurping some new steamy noodles.

"A one, Leena Toros." This time Doctor Leyon spit out his noodles all over his screen. He ripped off his glasses and wiped off the noodles.

"How do you know about Leena?!" Zack grinned.

"I have my sources. Now are you interested? Or should I take my business elsewhere?" Leyon coughed a few times, and regained his posture.

"You have my attention."

"Good, then I'll give you the overview of my mission for you." Leyon nodded in acknowledgement. "There is going to be a battle tomorrow, between the Blitz team, and the Champ team."

"Yes, I know about it."

"What I need you to do is to drop off some cargo exactly five minutes into the battle." Leyon looked dumbfounded.

"B-b-but that would involve disrupting the match! I'd get the flight pass for my Whale King revoked!" Zack laughed.

"Don't worry yourself doctor. You won't be disrupting the match, someone will already be messing around in the match."

"Huh? How do you know that?"

"You're going to have to trust me. You will be helping out your precious Leena, I assure you that."

"Ok. I'm in. What is this cargo?"

"Just four drop ship capsules, each weighing 60 to 70 tons, and no questions asked." Leyon arched an eyebrow.

"What assurances do I have that this isn't a trap for either team?"

"None." Leyon's expression dropped. "Like I said good doctor, you are just going to have to trust me." Zack punched in a few pieces of data over the secure stream comm line. "I'm sending you the details of where to pick up the cargo, and the coordinates of where to drop each of them." Leyon looked at his computer read out, then nodded.

"Ok, ok. I'll do it."

"Rest assured Doctor Leyon, you will be doing the Blitz team a great deed."

"And just how am I going to be paid for this?"

"Check your account, the entire pay has been deposited." Leyon looked at his other screens, then his eyes widened.

"Uh, uh, uh." Leyon stuttered.

"I'm sure you find it acceptable?" Leyon nodded slowly.

"Good. Then may luck be with you, Doctor Leyon. Knight out." Zack motioned for the comm to be cut, and the screen went blank.

"How do you know exactly where those loyalists are gonna strike first?" Howard asked Zack. Zack combed his hair out of his face.

"The Deadman Corp is more than likely going to go after the most powerful zoids for their operation. And the current leader of the Blitz Team has that Liger Zero. You've read the report on it, right?" Howard nodded.

"Yeah, it's one of the ultimate x's. I guess you are right about that little detail."

"Besides all that, I still have my spy network on this planet." Howard tilted his head to the side.

"Let me ask you something Zack." Zack turned to his partner. "Are you gonna spend your whole life, going from battle to battle, never going to stop?" Zack looked surprised.

"Howard, you of all people know better than to ask me that." Howard looked at him, still concerned. "You know damn well, since my father died, this is all I have left. I had to do something. So I decided to help out the professors in the development of the Gundams. It's the only thing I knew I could successfully do." Howard kept silent. "Anyway, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Get the technicians up at 0600 tomorrow; we start work on the UXZ as soon as we drop off the boys to Doctor Leyon."

End Chapter 1