Author has written 42 stories for Misc. Books, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Once Upon a Time, How I Met Your Mother, Gossip Girl, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Reign, Pretty Little Liars, Misc. Comics, Lost Boys, Supernatural, Downton Abbey, and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. The Walking Dead (Beth/Daryl) Once Upon a Time (Mad Swan, Ruby/Dr.Whale, Mulan/Aurora, Belle/Red) Reign (Mary/Bash) Game of Thrones (Arya/Gendry, Jon Snow/Dany, Dany/Kahl Drogo) Misfits (Alisha/Simon) Gossip Girl (Blair/Dan) Harry Potter (Draco/Hermione, Harry/Luna, Ron/Luna) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Spike/Buffy) Many of the fics I write are for challenges either for a Once upon a Time Landcomm or a few other Fandom Lands I have joined, because of this some of my stories may be ficlets as there is a minimum or maximum amount of words required for the challenge. If I feel particularly inspired or there is a lot of love for the certain story I will continue it, like I did Dare to Believe. |