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Joined 07-03-08, id: 1623174, Profile Updated: 06-28-09
Author has written 5 stories for Death Note.

Yo, bishies! How ya doing? Well, my name's Jace, ya know, like the word 'chase' only with a 'j'...

awkward turtle

Anywho, I'm a FTM (if you don't know what that is, then ask. I don't bite! Well, unless you ask. XDD). Okay, thought I should explain the name/number thingy... no, it's not random numbers. Lawliet is a character from Death Note in all his forced-pale glory! and now to the numbers. Okay, so I remember random shit, and when I first made this name, since I use it almost everywhere, I remembered that that was the year the Black Prince was born. His name was Edward!

Ew... Twilight... shiver

So yeah, I hate Twi-tards, but if you aren't over obsessed like almost everyone I know you're good with me! Anyways, here's some results to a BUNCH of quizzes I like, because they aren't the crappy ones you find on Quizilla going 'what's your fav color?' or 'fav class?' sine that has NOTHING to do with personality... -is a quiz analyzer-

Dumb Blonde Test ยป 's fun quizzes!
~ American Idol Quiz ~ Backyard Makeover ~ The Dumb Test ~
Quizzes Hollywood Quizzes & Movie Quizzes Dumb MySpace Quizzes

Your anime hair color is purple. You're bold, mouthy, and tough and don't take anybody's nonsense. You act hastily, and there may be feelings that you keep bottled up inside you. You don't express yourself well, and take your anger out on others.

.. Pink - Okay, everybody hide your sugar and run like hell! You're completly insane! You've got a lot of friends and most of them are just as crazy as you. Although here's some advice; put down the sugar(no whining!) and pay attention to to your friends that aren't as crazy as you!

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

I got Slytherin~ happy dance

What Legendary Biju Are You?
Hosted By : Anime

Woah, Shukaku? That was unexpected...

What Akatsuki Member Are You?
Hosted By : Anime

Oh, I just friggin KNEW I'd get Tobi!~ Probably 'cuz I got Madara on an Uchiha quiz I don't like 'em, but it was from a favorite quiz-master.

What Naruto Animal Personality Do You Contain?
Hosted By : Anime

Kukuku, I got Kyuubi. Fiery and protective, though only to those closest to me. Yep, that's me! Beat some kid up for making fun of my 'mom'. '

And, finally...

You are a Chibi Seme!

You are the seme in disguise. Able to fit in and get along with uke and seme alike, you are able to get close to the uke on their level before exerting your dominance. This makes you at times manipulative and able to fool others about your true seme nature. Because of your harmless appearance, it takes the flamboyantly gay Flaming Uke to match wits and really bring out your aggressive side to expose you for the seme that you are.

Most compatible with: Flaming Uke, Badass Uke

Least compatible with: Dramatic Uke

What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at , or find merchandise here.

Woah, I got the same result fot that one even though I changed some answers... Guess it's fate! Or maybe I'm just that weird. XDD

So, I'm a gemini, I don't like long walks on the beach, unless the sun's either down or close to it, and just to remind you all I'm FTM. Thanks for watching!~

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