Author has written 18 stories for Heroes, Sonny with a Chance, Vampire Diaries, and Gilmore Girls. My main account is now under the username, LZlola. That's also my AO3 handle. Mainly WWE works, with other fandoms thrown in. General: I write when I have time/interest. I don't consider myself a writer, so any criticism is welcome! TV Shows: Ships: Main ones currently: practically any ship involving Seth Rollins (WWE); Elliot/Tyrell (Mr. Robot); Jeff/Annie (Community); Caitlin/Barry and Captain Cold/Flash (The Flash) Ships I absolutely love when I can find it (either the fandom isn't as active anymore or they are a bit unconventional): Weevil/Veronica (VM), Lamb/Veronica (VM), Xena/Ares (Xena: Warrior Princess), Sark/Sydney (Alias), Jefferson/Emma (OUaT), Peter Pan/Emma (OUaT), Eleven/Amy (Doctor Who) Ships I may still read every once in a blue moon (but literally, a few times a year): Jess/Rory or Jess/anyone basically (Gilmore Girls), Elena/Elijah (TVD), Dan/Blair (Gossip Girl), House/Cameron (House), Puckleberry (Glee) My fics: TVD: SWAC: Gilmore Girls: The fics here are some of my old fics someone so kindly requested. I used to write a lot of Literati (and GG in general) fics when the show was on, but I stopped writing GG fics several years ago. These are some of my favorite one-shots for R/J when I read them back now. I might eventually put up some of my other oneshots and multi-chapter fics when I feel like keeping them on barely legible, ink-smeared paper or in notebooks that are falling apart isn't worth it. |
Angeleyez (32) Francesca Jones (31) | knowhere (38) rainwater tears (24) | smc-27 (136) Wonderlandleighleigh (82) |