Author has written 2 stories for Twilight. :Sitting in the middle of Edward's Meadow with a crow bar: Hello, you may be wondering why I have this crowbar here. Well, occassionally I use it for Edward bashing. As I always say, it isn't truely Edward unless you get the violent urge to whack him in the head at some point. And as I'm no vampire hitting him with my hand would earn me a broken hand and Emmett laughing at me, hence the crowbar. But what it's usually used for are these bunnies. See them? :Fluffy white bunnies enter meadow: These are what's called plot bunnies. :Smacks one with crowbar: Oh, don't worry, it's not hurt. You see these are vampire plot bunnies. Yes, all the lovely little vampire plot bunnies. And if you play with one, another shows up, then another, then another, then another. Darn it they breed like... well, rabbits! See those ones over there, the calm ones all bunched together? Those are the nice fuffly oneshots, sometimes song fics...they don't bother you too much. They can be a little nauseating, but overall okay. Now these ones... :Whacks one that's climbing her leg: are the vampire plot bunnies from H-E-double hockey stick (keeping it pg on the profile people). They try to suck your life, or atleast all your computer time, out of you. Typically they are AUs started by "What if Edward..." or What if Bella was..." which always has atleast three answers. :Smacks a couple more: I will now begin posting these lovely little plot bunnies from hades. I actually have four NewMoon AUs and two Twilight AUs started in a notebook along with four "human" stories. I also have an OC fic that likely never will be posted as people don't usually like those. :Beats a brown bunny to the ground: No, I am not writing a Jacob fic now!! NO!! :Stomps on it: Werewolf fic. My pen name is Vicki and I love vampires. Sunshine's Con, Bella's Edward, Simon from Cassandra Claire's Mortal Instruments. And chocolate, Godiva Grand Marnier Truffles are a writting must! And though Edward would hate it, my Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith CDS. And Mead, gotta love mead and bawdy music...Yay for the pudding song! There is where I write many other things dealing with mainly the Twilight universe (other vampire universes and Harry Potter sometimes feature). Disclaimer: I own nothing! All I own is my lovely laptop (yay!), piles of books, and too many sketchbooks and notebooks to count. Author's Recommendation: When reading or writing about vampires always eat chocolate! Recommended Vampire Reading Fun Stuff Paranormal Romance Section (Serial Romance) |
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