![]() Author has written 16 stories for Supernatural, and Custodes Noctis series. About me: I'm in my mid thirties... gosh am I? Shit. Didn't realise until know. Aw, dammit! Right, that's me rambling away. Anyways, back to business. I live in Germany near Cologne. Last April (2008) I stumbled over fanfiction during the freakishly long hiatus. I never gave it (fanfic) much thought but then again I have never had such an obsession with a TV show before either. So after reading and reviewing on (my first and foremost posting grounds) I met some really wonderful peeps. Thanks to deansbabybird and Lou for encouraging me to post my own stuff. I'll be in your debt forever. And thanks MuffyMorrigan for re-introducing me to ... I wouldn't have given it a second try if you hadn't told me how to do it properly! And by the way folks, do you know how tough it is to write in your second language?? I KNOW! However, since I have some awesome betas (Bev, Jane, Cal and the others, you guys rock BIG TIME) I actually dared to post my stories. Looking back that has been one of the most life-changing decisions I have ever made! I love being part of this fandom! about my stories: my stories tend to be Dean-centric. I cover angst, hurt and (since very recently) death. Also, I have done a few wee!chesters. Most of my fiction however can be found on Ungen under http:///viewuser.php?uid=2446. I prefer to post there since they offer topost your stories with banners. And I LOVE creating SPN-art. about me: I'm an Aquarius and suffer from a great deal of this sign's flaws. Short spans of concentration, volatility. But I love being an Aquarius still. Being able to think ahead, to come up with unusual views about the world. You know what I mean... a rebel, not to go with the flow but to find different approaches and invent new things... Ehem. Sorry... wandered off... some adjectives to describe me: moody, morose, happy, witty, smutty, pert, funny, quick-witted, cynical, cheeky, sarcastic, caring, helpful, loyal, rash, impatient, enthusiastic, less persistent, whimsical (in both ngative and positive ways), friendly, polite,smutty (according to the UK gals!), quickly bored, phlegmatic, lazy, depressive, angry, pugnacious, fierce, messy, avoiding work and laughing a lot. edited on 04/17/2009 To all you nice reviewers! I have taken a prolonged time out from writing over the last months. As I still don't really get part of (for example, how I can find out which reviews I have replied to and which I haven't hangs head in shame at her complete tech ignorance) I will say a very honest THANK YOU instead of doing all the responses separately and possibly twice for some... I will from now on try and answer directly. makes an honest vow, swears on the Bible and all that I appreciate your kind words very much and they took me through very difficult and stressful time. THANKS. |