Author has written 10 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Pokémon, and Fairy Tail. 1/1/2013: Well, fanfiction is a two-way street. Most people are here for feedback like I am, and if you want feedback, you have to be willing to give it. I'm going to start reading more fanfiction and leaving helpful (or what I think would be helpful) reviews. I'll start with the people who have reviewed my stories, then go looking for more people to review. Here's how I'm doing reviews - the compliment sandwich! People can be sensitive about criticism of their work, so I'm going to be careful to be respectful of that. Compliment sandwich means you start out with something positive, then what can be improved, then end with something positive. So if you've been "compliment sandwiched", I'd appreciate feedback as well, but you of course aren't obligated. |