Author has written 34 stories for Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU, Foyle's War, Dragon Age, StarTrek: The Original Series, and Bletchley Circle. I've been writing fanfiction since before I knew what fanfiction was, but I first posted on-line in the StarTrek TOS fandom. I read a lot of fandoms I don't write in, though, including but not limited to CSI, Buffy, and Without A Trace. After a long break from writing I'm branching out into the Law and Order and Foyle's War fandoms. For L&O, with the exception of 'Into Darkness', 'In Limine' and 'Aftermath', all my stories fit into the same storyverse, so although they don't all overlap, they are consistent with each other. I hope you can read individual stories and enjoy them, but I believe the whole arc adds depth to the individual stories. As far as Foyle's War goes, the stories are all within the same storyverse. Don't hesitate to drop me a line about my writing, even if you want to criticise it. Reader Traffic lets me know when people are reading, but only about one in every hundred hits the review button. REVIEWS ARE THE ONLY PAYMENT FANFIC WRITERS GET. And they're the only payment you readers have the opportunity to offer - at the cost of a minute of your time. I think that's a pretty fair bargain, given that a long story like "Ghosts" takes me FOUR HUNDRED HOURS to write. Even just a quick note when you finish the final chapter is gratefully received by authors like me. I like to read and review, but I feel hesitant to review in fandoms I'm not familiar with - or stuff that's extremely AU. |
AnneBronteRocks (5) AnneKB (16) Cirocco (27) D. Fowler (4) Darcy Brandon (26) fear-ciuil (0) | gypsum (6) Isabeau of Greenlea (43) jsfan4ever (16) Kyllikki (15) mccoylover (31) Raihu (26) | Scribere Est Agere (35) Tobias Charity (16) Tolkanonms (5) Wildcat (2) wildcat7898 (32) |