Author has written 6 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Inuyasha, Pirates of the Caribbean, Yu Yu Hakusho, Van Helsing, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Hey~I'm pyrite! I can't see why anyone would read this, but I'm writing random thoughts anyways ^.~ Sess: as always. *shakes head* Oh, that's Sess, a Sesshomaru clone who is currently acting as my muse, seeing as I own his soul *evil smirk* Anyways, the animes and mangas I like are DBZ (Vegeta is a god), Inuyasha (Sess is my muse, enough said), YYH (I really can't decide who I like better- Hiei or Kurama- maybe that's why I like them best togeather^.~) YGO (Malik makes me melt) RK (I luv kenshin, especially when he was a manslayer)Wolf's Rain( Tsume and Toboe are soo cute! And Kiba's hot as well ^.^), DN Angel (Dark and Satoshi-kun ^.^) Gravitation, and a bunch of other ones that I'm too tired to write about right now. I also like: RANDOM QUOTES! YAY! My heart is calm, my heart is quiet, my heart is pure. But make no mistake, it's pure evil. -Vegeta I'm busy. If you wish to delay me, I'll have to kill you. -Sesshomaru I'm afraid. I just dropped a large brick on a spider and it didn't kill it. Now it has a weapon. Some people are only alive 'cause it's illegal to kill. The highway of life is filled with flattened squirrels who couldn't make up their minds. Tell me, what's it like living in a constant haze of stupidity? -Hiei I'm smiling because I'm your sister, and I'm laughing because there'snothing you can do about it. |