Reviews for Surviving Together: A New Legacy
kyrarihanna chapter 23 . 2/24
amazing! the feels, the drama, the waiting for BV reunited...if this is a very long story with very lot of chapters of BV separation with seeking comfort in others people's arm or pants, I might have already give up reading but for this story I still patiently wait those moments.. because they are loyal ok and plus, in the meantime you give us a few father/son bonding moments.. even more special, those bonding happen BEFORE Vegeta knows the science woman is Bulma and he still respected Trunks' strength even AFTER he knows he's bulma's son.. and when they totally reunited... just wow..

you know, few months before I've read a summary or comments of a story about bulma's dead at the end and been resurrect in the sequel..I'm sure I've downloaded those story.. recently, I'm searching like crazy those said story in my ff library among thousand BV fics and can't seem to find those story.. after reading this story, I guess THIS IS IT! the story that I'm looking for this few weeks/months! huhhh finally...

anyway, an amazing story...well done author..
Nova.8 chapter 23 . 9/8/2017
I couldn't even begin to describe how much I love your writing and all your work. This fantastic, amazing, gorgeous, wonderful, breath taking trilogy I have read for probably the fifth time now in years. It never fails to keep me engrossed and I will always rave over the way you crafted three magnificent stories right from the first one. Your plots, character development, the way you write emotions and scenarios all make me wish you were still active and writing. You're one of my all time favourite writers and have been the reason I crave Bulma and Vegeta fanfiction. You always set the bar so high but I always come back to all your writing. I literally grieve at the unfinished unwanted and unspoken masterpieces but always feel eternally grateful that you have finished so many wonderful stories. This makes my heart happy!
Diclonious57 chapter 4 . 1/14/2017
Why is it in bold!
Jonnie Joke chapter 23 . 11/22/2016
This is so sad but i'm so glad Vegeta still have someone with him. And I like how you refer Trunks is what keep them both alive in the first place, thank you so much for writing such an amazing series!
Jonnie Joke chapter 19 . 11/21/2016
that moment when Trunks get his own family back awwwwwww
superboltstrike chapter 23 . 8/6/2016
Ah man, well time to read part 3.
superboltstrike chapter 21 . 8/6/2016
To be honest, I thought Garock was the mole. Well, glad I'm wrong I like him.
superboltstrike chapter 17 . 8/4/2016
FINALLY! Jesus, the pronoun game is deadly in this one! In all seriousness, good job so far.
superboltstrike chapter 12 . 8/2/2016
AHHH! Vegeta got to see Bulma again! Even though she's at near death and I should be worried but YAAAYYY!
superboltstrike chapter 11 . 8/2/2016
Oh, dammit! Well, got to keep reading.
SaiyanPrince541 chapter 23 . 10/5/2015
SaiyanPrince541 chapter 22 . 10/5/2015
Oh God, please be okay Bulma! I hope Vegeta kicks Cooler's ass!
SaiyanPrince541 chapter 21 . 10/5/2015
Guest chapter 20 . 10/5/2015
Oh noooooooo! DIE COOLER! Aphara's most definitely the traitor, that's for sure.
SaiyanPrince541 chapter 19 . 10/4/2015
That was amazing! I loved that reunion and the Vegeta/Trunks moment! Briefs family time is just too awesome!

Oh God! What exactly is there plan?!
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