Author has written 5 stories for Naruto, Legend of Zelda, and Bleach. HI! I like dragons, no that's an understatement, I love dragons, I'm a dragon freak =) I'm 15 so I don't have the best writing skills but try to bear with me please, I'll try my best. (Does nice guy pose, actually it would be nice girl pose, because well I'm a girl not a guy and whatever, I'm blabbling again. I tend to do that alot.) I now have a deviant art profile and have posted some art. I'm going to get some pictures of Toru and Tala, but first I have to draw them. Currently I have a bunch of wolf pictures. Check it out and leave me comments, I love comments! http:/// Kay so I like anime! Naruto mostly, yep that's right I'm a Naruto freak too. (Okay I admit it I'm just a plain freak, O well can't be helped.) Also, I have found out recently, that I love Bleach! Hitsugaya is so awesome! I'm also a video game freak, I love the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Super Smash Bros Brawl, and Guitar Hero 3. I love my Wii. I also crave good adventure movies, ecspecially Mideval, Fantasy stuff, you know dragons, elves, griffins, ect. I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy(I've seen the movies and am currently working on the books) I love Legolas, Eragon (book, not movie, movie sucks.) Pirates of the Caribbean, ect. Also, I am a major book freak. Last summer I did some jobs for my rich godfather and earned about 400. I spent atleast 3/4 of it on books. I have two bookshelves of books. And I bought 2/3 of them between last summer and now. I love reviews, so if you like my story, please review, it makes me happy |