My new Naruto fic! I know I'm still working on my other stories, but I keep getting hit with ideas and if I don't write them down immediately, I'll regret it later.
To those "Dead or Alive," fans, I might have Toru and Tala appear in this fic.
True Self
"Hey, Naruto!"
The blond inwardly sighed in annoyance as he put on a goofy grin. "Hi Sakura-chan! Do you want to go out!?"
"Why would I go out with you? You know I like Sasuke-kun!" She yelled back at him. She turned to the silent boy next to her.
"Hey Sasuke-kun, want to go out?" Sasuke just glared at her. Sakura flinched and walked a few steps away. (It's a miracle, Sakura can take a hint now!)
'Maybe I should let them see the real me, I mean I've been in a team with them for five years. They're my friends, they'll accept the real me…won't they Kyu?'
/I don't know kit. Most of your friends will probably wonder what you've been drinking./ Kyuubi snickered.
'You're such a great help.' Naruto thought sarcastically.
/I know, I am great. Anyway go greet that perverted teacher of yours./
Naruto snapped out of his conversation to see his teammates and Kakashi looking at him in confusion.
"You didn't scream, 'You're late!' with Sakura." Kakashi replied.
"Oh…You're late!!" Naruto pointed an accusing finger at his sensei. Everyone sweatdropped.
"Okay then…anyway, today we will have a B-rank mission. We're supposed to go the wave country and help them fight off some bandits."
'Guess I should act excited.' Naruto jumped up into the air. "Yeah, we get to go see old man Tazuna and Inari!"
Sasuke shook his head in embarrassment when people passing by looked over at the hyperactive blond. Sakura punched him on the head and Kakashi…pulled out his book and was soon blocking out the sound of his bickering students.
/Hey kit, you better say something stupid. That pervert is starting to wonder why you're being so quiet./
'Great, I was enjoying the quiet.' Naruto grumbled in his head. Naruto looked over at Kakashi with a dorky smile on his face. He opened his mouth quite a bit wider than needed to talk. "Hey Kaka-sensei, how much longer till we get there?"
Kakashi rolled his eyes at his obnoxious student and answered. "Well, considering that it's a three day trip and we just left three hours ago…about two days and twenty-one hours to go.
Sakura yelled, "Quit being so annoying Naruto, I was enjoying the quietness."
Naruto rolled his eyes in his mind. 'She calls me annoying, that pink-haired brat is twice as loud as I am. I bet that isn't even her natural hair color.' (Don't worry Sakura fans, I'm not a Sakura hater, she'll get nicer later.)
/I bet her real hair color is dark red so she adds bleach to her hair to make it pink./
'Wouldn't her hair be less bright?'
/Sooo…what's your point?/
Naruto sighed and decided to ignore his annoying furry conscious.
Three days, twenty hours, forty-eight minutes and thirty-two seconds later…
In Naruto's mind, he was ready to crack. 'How the heck are my teammates more annoying then my mask?!'
/I have no idea. With your yelling, Pinkie's screaming and hitting, Moody's 'hn's' and Pervy's strange sayings…I have one hell of a headache./
'Sorry, I would stop yelling, but then they start wondering if something's wrong with me. I think I gave myself a headache. Is that even possible…my own voice gave me a headache…' While Naruto pondered this, the group finally reached the Wave village.
"Naruto!!" The group turned to see an excited young boy run up. The old bridge builder right behind.
'Ow.' Naruto thought as the young boy flung himself at Naruto. He quickly put on a goofy grin.
"Inari, what's going on?" The young boy grinned widely at his hero.
"Everything's great except for those stupid bandits. Yesterday they almost killed some villagers."
"Well don't worry, the great Naruto will take care of them!" Naruto did his nice guy pose. 'Oh my gosh, must resist the urge to strangle self.'
/Oh, can I do it?!/ Kyuubi asked excitedly.
'Not yet, everyone would wonder why I dropped dead all of a sudden.'
/Dang…can I do it later?/
"Uh, Naruto?" Kakashi asked concerned.
"You were spacing out."
"Oh…I just…um…want some ramen, it's been days since I had some."
"Naruto, you baka!" Sakura punched him into a new Naruto-shaped crater.
Everyone except Kakashi seemed to accept this excuse. 'Something's wrong with him.
'Kyu, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.'
Naruto was lying in his bedroll, everyone sleeping around him.
/Well kit, why don't you be yourself, if they're really your friends they'll understand./
'But what if they don't and they end up hating me for lying?'
/Then…sucks to be you./
'Thanks a lot.'
/Anytime, that's what I'm here for./
"Naruto, watch out, to your left!" Kakashi called out as he dodged a sword being swung toward his head.
Naruto turned and punched the bandit trying to stab him in the side.
Naruto had several cuts and bruises and it didn't help that he had to restrain most of his chakra because of his 'mask.' A few feet away, Sakura was panting and was clearly exhausted. Sasuke wasn't much better and even Kakashi was tiring.
'Crap, there's too many of them.'
/Use your real power before you all die!/ Kyu screamed inside his head.
Naruto looked over and saw Sakura fall to the ground, a bandit had his sword raised above his head, aimed straight for Sakura.
/Kit, use it or Pinkie's gonna die!/
'But, I…'
The bandit brought his sword down. Everything seemed to slow. The sword got closer and closer to Sakura. /Save her!/
Naruto ran toward Sakura with incredible speed. He pulled out a kunai and blocked the sword from going any further. Everyone turned in surprise at the sudden clang of metal on metal.
'How did he do that! He blocked the sword! He was ten feet away but he got there in less than a second!' Sasuke thought, thoroughly stunned.
Kakashi's mouth was hanging open under his mask.
The bandit, who Naruto had blocked, stared in surprise. Before he had a chance to recover, Naruto brought his kunai up sharply. The sword was flung into a tree and embedded itself through up to the hilt.
Naruto brought his fist up into the man's stomach and sent him flying, thirty feet away. The bandit was dead before he hit the ground.
'What the hell! How did he kill him by punching his stomach!' Sasuke was angered and confused at the strength the Dobe was showing.
"I'm stronger than you think, Sasuke-teme." Naruto turned and glared at the Uchiha.
Sasuke glared back and tried to cover his shock.
"Sasuke, can we finish this later, there's still a bunch of bandits left." Naruto turned and called out to Kakashi. "Kakashi-sensei, come over here. You too Sasuke." Kakashi jumped over to Naruto and Sakura and Sasuke reluctantly walked over too.
"Naruto, what are you doing?" Kakashi asked, warily watching the approaching bandits.
"Brace yourselves." Was all Naruto said.
"Wh-" Sasuke stopped abruptly, feeling massive amounts of chakra pouring out of Naruto's body. Sasuke was speechless as he started seeing the blue chakra.
All the chakra started gathering in a large swirling ball in front of him. The jutsu resembled a rasengan, except for the fact that it was the size of a house. Wind was whipping around the sphere. Kakashi and Sasuke nearly fell over as the wind blew around them. Naruto's hair was flying everywhere. His headband was wrenched off and his jacket burst open.
Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura were staring in amazement at the 'dobe.'
'Where did he get all that power!' Kakashi uncovered his sharingan and tried to analyze the strange jutsu.
"That won't work, this jutsu is impossible to analyze or copy. Also, none of this is Kyuubi's power." Naruto called back to his team.
Finally Naruto released his jutsu and it barreled toward the frightened bandits. They were obviously frozen with fear because no one tried to dodge as they saw the swirling ball of doom coming toward them.
The ball covered the group of bandits, ripping up the earth as it went. No one even had time to scream as the chakra enveloped them. After a couple minutes, the chakra finally dispersed showing…nothing. No trace of the bandits was there, they had been completely vaporized.
Naruto finally turned around and looked at each team member in turn. Each one were trying to control their shock.
"N…Naruto, what was that?" Sakura asked fearfully.
"An altered rasengan, it doesn't have a name yet, Ero-sennin, calls it the giant vapo-ball of doom." He quietly chuckled to himself.
"No, I mean, what was that, all of that?"
Naruto hesitated for a moment them answered, "The real me."