Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. I'm working (finally!) in a new story which I hope will be posted at fictionpress very soon, if you want to look me up there I have the same member name: "aquelcaracol". I'll link it here once I have something posted. Also, I've been thinking about striping all the Twilight stuff off my stories here, since they are so out of character anyway, as well as a very needed editing and proofreading. So, here is where all of you that still come around to see if I have finally gotten off my behind and started writing again come to play: 1. Tell me about the story you'd like to read about. I have a basic idea but I'd love to hear some of your ideas. 2. I think I need a beta for the stories here in order to transform them into original stories and get them to Fiction press. Forgive me all for not replying to your messages. I've read them all, but it is very difficult to catch up, specially since I can't just hit reply in my e-mail account. Your ideas mean the world to me. If you want to get in contact with me and maybe actually get a reply, please try to send me an e-mail instead, you can manage to do that if you click on the e-mail link. Sincerely, Caracol It's been ages since I have updated my profile. But I wanted to let everyone know that I still read the reviews you make of my three stories, even though I haven't had time to reply. I was very pleased with the response I got to them, and I really grew in my writing by doing this and having you help me. I know this story was pretty much completely independent from Twilight, I guess it was just a safe thing to use the names instead of setting it in Fiction Press for example, as an original story. But I won't take credit for what is not mine, I did take as a base a lot from S. Meyer books. I know the stories need heavy editing, to be honest most of them are due to lack of time and wanting to post as soon as possible. Maybe one day I'll get around to doing so. After "The way back" I don't think I can do another sequel to the same characters, to me it feels like it would just be repetitive. And I really liked writing it better than the first one, maybe because of the challenge of figuring out how those characters would have aged and matured. I want to do that again with another story, go deeper into how we end up thinking in a certain way. I did say that I would try to write another story at Fiction Press, since I think I'm done with fanfiction (writing it, not reading it) and I still want to do that, but I haven't "fallen in love" with a new story and new characters, though I've been toying with some ideas. My problem is that I don't want to do something that resembles these stories much, no more best friends stories, and I don't want to fall back into the cynical dialog either. Not that I want you to do my work, but I'll be very happy to hear what type of stories are you craving to read? And last but not least, I don't know what happened with Ferrin Landry, I was missing her updates and thanks to a couple people private messaging me, I sadly learned that she pulled her stories from the site. I'm truly sorry because I enjoyed her writing a lot, and was inspired by her to write "A rite of passage", which FL even called jokingly "the bizarro twin of her story". I'll try to catch up with messages and reviews, and I will let you all know as soon as I post something in Fiction Press. My handle is the same there as it is here. Thank you all, Caracol |