Author has written 5 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Final Fantasy X. Okay - there's a bunch of things I have to say, so I hope dearly that my readers read this, or else they'll be missing out.Career Day I made some changes, some editting, blah blah. I took 'the REAL chapter 6' and put it in its rightful place, as chapter 6, not as 9. Awakening Offically on hold. I have the next chapter half-written, and i'm starving for more ideas (unfortunately, I'm not getting any.) That's about all - I hope everybody read's this and understands. Cya Later! -SE PS - I HATE this new name thing. NOBODY else has the Sapphire Eyes or SapphireEyes (if they do, they've conveintly disappeared from the search engine)! And I don't want a stupid '1' at the end of my name. Grr... was *perfect* when I signed on... a good search engine, you could have the right name you wanted, there weren't those 'server busy' pages, there was so many more categories, and they had NC-17, which is what we all miss most. So sad... so very very sad... |