Author has written 4 stories for Final Fantasy VII. "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." – Friedrich Nietzsche Hello! I am a female engineer that adults way too much. I'm also a distance runner, coffee fiend, gym rat, noob creative writer, and devoted gamer. I try to update my stories when I can, but I usually cannot find the time due to work, running too many miles, consuming copious amounts of hard seltzer, and playing video games. It's very sad. Please note that I'm pretty terrible at editing my work so forgive me for any grammatical errors, bad punctuation, etc. I hope to eventually complete all of my fanfics sometime in the future. Lastly, THANK YOU to those who have added my stories and name to your favorites list AND who have submitted reviews. You all have a very special place in my tiny heart! :) IN PROGRESS: - Dismantle & Restore (Final Fantasy VII - AU/Cyberpunk/Sci-Fi/Blood&Gore/Suspense/Romance - TifaxCloud): Professional hackers Tifa and Yuffie are reluctantly recruited by the head of terrorist organization AVALANCHE to help expose Shinra for its exploits and underground program known as PROJECT: ARCHANGELS. As Tifa dives deeper into the megacorp’s secrets, she finds a familiar face that she knows must die. Rating to be T, one chapter to be bumped to M. Not yet published, chapters in progress. - The Sparrow's Song (Final Fantasy VII - AU/Fantasy/Blood&Gore/Tragedy/Romance - CloudxTifa): A formidable knight, thought to be dead for 1,000 years, finds himself to be alive and breathing again in a world that has turned to chaos and afflicted by the Geostigma that eradicated his people. While discovering the truth of his return, he aids a white monk, destined to save Gaia, in her pilgrimage to permanently rid the planet of the unforgiving plague. Rating likely to be T, one chapter is likely to be bumped to M. Not yet published, outline draft in progress. IN DEVELOPMENT: - Obstructed Views (Final Fantasy VII - AU/Modern/Suspense/Romance - TifaxCloud, YuffiexVincent, AerithxZack): Back in the dev shop. COMPLETE: - Blood Sun (Final Fantasy VII - AU/Western/Adventure/Humor/Blood&Gore/Romance - CloudxTifa, ZackxAerith) - Reaching Salvation (Final Fantasy VII - AU/Post-Apocalyptic/Suspense/Blood&Gore/Romance - CloudxTifa) - Tainted Black (Final Fantasy VII - Pre-Advent Children/Family/Drama/Romance - CloudxTifa) SpiritualxWolf |