![]() Author has written 18 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Bionicle, Left 4 Dead, Lego, Yu-Gi-Oh, Transformers/Beast Wars, Mega Man, and Chocobo series. Hi! I see someone came to view my profile. ...ok, I can't really see it, but still, you get what I mean. Thanks for visiting! I can't guarantee you'll find much on my page, but I have a few quotes from roleplays I'm in that might be amusing enough, among other occasional tidbits of advice or opinion. Enjoy! ROLEPLAY QUOTES Mai looked just as surprised as Mihkoro did. "W.what's going on?" She stammered. Her gaze fell to Teridax. "W.w.w..w.what is that?!" Mihkoro turned and looked up."Oh yeah..uhm...hehe...that's my...uhm...my new room-mate..." Mai, Toa of Light, and Mihkoro, Ta-Matoran - Bionicle RPG Mihkoro's subconscious, Spherus Magna RPG Vakora looked around and frowned. "Hey, where'd the Rahkshi go?" Mihkoro blinked as he looked at Vakora, still looking disgusted. "...I...well...ehrm...this is going to sound totally wrong but...I ate it." Vakora, Toa of Fire and Light, and Mihkoro, Toa of Fire and Shadow - Bionicle RPG Warehouse roof, Matoran Universe RPG Izotz sighed and looked around. "Don't you get bored just sitting here in this corner by yourself?" "No." Izotz blinked at him. "You need to get out more." Kopaka frowned. "I live on a mountain. I am out." Izotz, Toa of Ice, and Kopaka, Toa of Ice - Bionicle Legends of the Chosen - Kanohi Lounge Zero replied, "We had Teridax in our group once, don't really know what happened to him." Mihkoro got an awkward expression on his face. "I...ehm...hehe...absorbed him." Avalon glanced at him with amusement. "You 'ate' Teridax? Sheesh, Rahkshi weren't good enough for you?" The Toa of Shadow and Fire looked rather awkward. "O-oh shush up." Zero, Toa of Shadow and Fire, Mihkoro, Toa/Makuta of Shadow and Fire, and Avalon, Toa of Water and Light - Bionicle RPG Organization Base, Spherus Magna RPG - Rebirth Shane scrunched his nose up, hesitated, and sneezed, shooting sparks out of his nose and yelping. "Ah! O-okay, th-that hurt! th-that really hurt!" He didn't seem to notice he'd shot sparks out of his nostrils. All he knew was it was less than pleasent. "Mata Nui, Shane," Nokama exclaimed, having pulled back a little from the sparks, her blue eyes wide and blinking over and over again. "Do you know what you just did?!" Shane coughed out smoke, seeming oblivious to it as he mumbled sarcastically. "Shot fire out my nose?" He had no idea how close to the truth he really was. "...yes. That's exactly what you just did." Nokama replied, not a drop of sarcasm in her voice. "Wait... what?" Shane Grace and Nokama, Toa Hordika of Water - Private Roleplay with InTheLight Mihkoro just laughed as he leaned back against the sand and grinned up at the sky... well, right up until Bakuma, wearing a goofy smile on his face, grabbed him by his ankles and started dragging him towards the water. "Bakuma, what are you- oh no. No no nononoNONONONONO!" SPLASH! "AYIEEEEEH!" If people thought a cat freaking out at water was amusing, Mihkoro's reaction to getting thrown in the ocean by his ankles was by far the most entertaining reaction anyone would see. Jumping about three feet in the air, he shot out of the water like a rocket, tearing past Bakuma and hiding behind Frigus whilst shaking the water out of his hair. And of course, like any good Brother would do... Frigus just laughed about it. Mihkoro, Toa of Fire and Shadow, and Bakuma, Hordika of Plantlife - Private Roleplay with pyrodragon82 Mihkoro and Darkside both looked at her and said at the same time. "Well, technically I am Mihkoro./Well, technically he is me." They then blinked and looked at each other. "Yeah," Calia replied. "But Darkside's psychotic and Mihkoro's a nutcase". Darkside glanced at Calia. "... There is such thing as a psychotic nutcase. It's the best of both." Mihhkoro, Toa of Fire and Light, Darkside, Mihkoro's shadow copy, and Calia, Toa of Time - Private Roleplay with pyrodragon82 Shevu nodded. "Well, you're correct. In my opinion, at least. If Metru Nui had a hundred minds like yours, then we never would have needed to lock down the city." Hlahlu giggled awkwardly. "If there were a hundred minds like mine in that city, we may have all blown it up already." She commented. "... but still, you do have a point." Shevuxaun, Toa of Fire, and Hlahlu, Ga-Matoran - Bionicle Forum - Main RPG: City of the Lost Jafar, in the meantime, was looking around curiously as well, humming faintly as he considered where to go. He couldn't really see anything from his present vantage point, but he knew full well that growing a foot or two to have a better look would be a very, VERY stupid idea. Then again, the charm was supposed to be strong enough to shield his full form. Yet the ceiling over head might argue with Jafar on that point. Jafar, red Dark Magician, and the ceiling of a comic book store - Private Roleplay with Omicron "Imperials, Stormcloaks, the Thalmor... is there anyone who doesn't hate you, Icarus?" Jyrik asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow. The High Elf actually grinned at him. "Probably not. I'm just that likable." Jyrik and Icarus discussing the latter's general history - Skyrim RP by Athena's Assassin Vakama chuckled a bit. "You wanted a hint about finding a mask? Hm... well, there is one in the volcano somewhere. That is all I will say about it though." Tahu blinked and frowned. "Um, I'm sorry that wasn't vague enough for me. Could you make it a little bit more so?" Mihkoro grinned. "Well, he could've just said it was somewhere on the island." Turaga Vakama, Mihkoro, Toa of Fire and Shadow, and Tahu, Toa of Fire - Private Roleplay with pyrodragon82 Fiery grinned. "Oh, it's Regal! I know her somewhat. Let play the primary on this one boss. Ima see if I can bring her in alive." Magnus raised an eyebrow, loosely crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. "Play the primary? Care to elaborate that one for the dumb bot over here?" He paused before glancing beside him, choking on a laugh when he saw Ironhide shoot him a scowl. "Hey, Brute Squad, I was meaning me." Firevolt, Ironhide, and Magnus, Autobots - Private Roleplay with pyrodragon82 Speaking of Knockout, whoever went to get him would end up finding him fast asleep against the wall, his armor all as perfect as he could have gotten it, and the buffer held in his hand, though it had switched off when he fell asleep. It seemed as though the doc-bot had been up late trying to get himself as back-to-normal as he could manage. Knockout might feel a light tapping on his shoulder plate. "Knockout... Knooocckouut.. Wakey wakey." When he opened his eyes, he'd Find Grimlock in dino mode, his teeth inches from the Decepticons face. "Oh good, you up. Me Grimlock sent to get you, time for exchange!" At first, the doctor shifted a little, not quite waking up. After a moment though, his optic lids opened and he blinked slowly... before just about blowing a circuit. Letting out a not-so-masculine shriek, and scrambling backwards as best he could, Knockout was soon on his feet and pressed against the wall as much as he could physically pull off, optics wide and expression highly alarmed. "Wh-what?" He spluttered out, a bit too focused on 'ohmygoshdinosaur' to really process what Grimlock had said. Knockout, Decepticon doctor, and Grimlock, Autobot master of destruction - Transformers: Mixed Variables rp "I've always had one problem with port cities; every bit of food here is way too salty." Calypsir looked at the vampire with a confused stare. "Are you daft? There's more fresh fruit here than any city further from the sea." Styx returned his gaze with a bored look. "... right around now, you're the least salty morsel I can see, kid." That reminded the assassin of what Styx had been referring to. "... o-oh." Styx, a vampire, and Calypsir, a dragon - Returning to the Forests, SS Fantasy Dynasty Forum Regal smiled softly, nodding once and giving a small bow before turning and heading out to make sure she had everything she needed gathered together. Megatron shook his head as he watched Regal leave, a small smile on his face. "Man." one Vehicon remarked. "Hate to watch er go, but sure love to watch her leave, eh my lord?" Megatron quirked a brow "A statement I can agree o- waitatic." Outside the base, a pair of Vehicon guards watched in confusion of Jerry-5 plummeted from the ramparts and collided.. non fatally.. with the earth behind them. "What was that about?" "He said I needed sensitivity training.." Regal (Decepticon spy) , Megatron (Decepticon leader), and a few Vehicons - Cybertron Darkmount, Transformers: Mixed Variables rp The Rahaga tilted his head at Vakama and chuckled faintly. "How about you, Fiery One? Flying or no flying?" Vakama's answer to Bomonga was too deadpan to be anything other than a well-timed joke, and the faint traces of a smile only added to the emphasis. "I suppose it all depends on who threw me in the first place." Bomonga (Earth Rahaga), and Vakama (Fire Hordika) - Private rp with Mighty Dreamfinder Pluto looked to Ramses. "...You sure your good with coming with with us inside? I don't want you catching hell with your woman because she had to pick bullets out of your butt." Ramses seemed amused. "If Ishizu get's mad at me, I'll just be in the dog house for a week, at the worst. She'll be fine, and so will I." He grinned. "Besides, if I get shot she'll chew me out for not getting out of the way, I'll get a little flirty, and we'll be fine." Predator smirked. "Or she'll just kick your ancient ass outside for the night." He teased. The Egyptian blinked before laughing a little. "You sound as though you've met her." Pluto (Hades, god of the underworld), Ramses (Anubis, god of embalming), and Predator (half-dinosaur mutant/scientist) - Evolution: A Superhero RP forum TIDBITS AND ADVICE A summary on bottled emotions, as seen by someone fighting anxiety and depression: It starts like a small spot of mold at the center of an apple. Just tiny, not enough to be anything. At worst, a minor annoyance. However, as time goes on, that mold grows, little by little, eating everything from the inside, whilst the healthy skin hides the damage being done. It's just part of life, so why share the damage when it still looks good outside? Eventually things start to fall apart. Little by little, just a small bruise on the skin. Nothing you can't shrug off. Inwardly you're dying, but you look fine, and that's what matters. Nobody needs to know that life's destroying you. It's just part of life, and things will eventually work themselves out. Before you know it, nothing is holding together. You can still hide that things are rancid, but people are starting to notice. The little blemishes are growing big enough to see, the small tears are leaking juice that doesn't quite look right. But you're okay, right? It's still life. It will work itself out. And then someone bumps the table and you fall. It could even be a little bump, just a slight nudge that didn't mean anything. But you still fell, and the moment you hit the floor, everything spills out. The mold, the decay... all of it. All that's left is a broken, pitiful heap of what used to be a person, and even the shredded skin can't hide what pressure and time did. It's not alright. But it's life. Things can work out eventually. Maybe not for you. But eventually, someone else will be okay. Even if there's nothing left of you to show for it. If this is familiar to you, please don't wait to get help. Talking about it hurts, but not as much as leaving it alone. |