![]() Author has written 8 stories for Beka Cooper series, and Inheritance Cycle. LADY WOLF is not in right now. she is in her last year of college and is trying to finish her own story along with a million bajillion papers that she has to write. if you'd like her to keep writing, you will leave her alone for the time being and accept the fact that everything is on hold for the immediate future. she apologizes for the inconvenience this has caused her many faithful readers and apologizes for disappearing so very suddenly. she thanks you for your patience. if you'd like to send a fax, please press 1 now. if you'd like to leave a message, press 2 now. or just wait for the beep. Thankyou and goodbye. PEOPLE, STOP CORRECTING STORIES THAT ALREADY SAY "COMPLETE" ON THEM. YES I KNOW I SPELLED KORA'S NAME WRONG IN A COUPLE OF CHAPTERS, AND I WROTE CROO INSTEAD OF COO (WHICH I FULLY PREFER, BECAUSE PIGEONS DON'T COO, THERE'S A ROLLING TRILL SOUND SO I'M GOING TO CONTINUE WITH THE "CROO"), AND YES THERE WAS A DOUBLE PHELAN IN THE LAST CHAPTER, BUT I'M NOT GOING TO GO BACK AND CHANGE IT. I KINDOF DON'T CARE: I WAS WORKING WITHOUT AN EDITOR, SO YEAH, SOME THINGS FELL THROUGH THE CRACKS. STOP OFFERING CORRECTIONS. JUST TELL ME IF YOU DO OR DON'T LIKE IT. (THOUGH REALLY, I COULDN'T CARE, SINCE I STOPPED COUNTING AFTER 400 REVIEWS). -- Lady Wolf -- Quote: "Draw a circle around those you love, not a heart. Heart's can break, but a circle goes on forever." --Unknown "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. But if the doctor is cute, screw the fruit." Three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere: "Hold my purse" 94 of guys would love it if you sent them flowers. Really. When life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand chocolate. When asked the question: "Are you CRAZY!!" you are the person who responds: "Yeah. What gave it away?" You know you're a writer when the letters on your keyboard are wearing out. (Or already gone!! -_- ) When you get caught looking at him, just remember, he was looking back! My Writing (Outline) I finished a fanfic for Tamora Pierce's book, Terrier. I continued her story with my version of Bloodhound. A few new characters and an interesting case. And there is Fluff. Both Bek/Ros and Tun/Sab. So fluff it of stuff it...(COMPLETE!) Also complete is the Two-Shot "In My Eyes" which was co-written with Lioness's Heart. I do the Beka chapters, because I still have Beka on the brain, and find it easy to write in her voice. Lioness's Heart does the Rosto chapters, because she's got Rosto on the brain. And, well, let's be honest. Sexy blonde Rosto? I wouldn't mind having him on my mind. ahem (COMPLETE!) Lioness and I just finished working on another short story called "Sunlight and Shadows." In it, Rosto's ex from Scanra comes to visit and general chaos ensues as she tries to work her way back into the Piper's heart. Story is set after (my) "Bloodhound" and "In My Eyes." (COMPLETE!) After "Sunlight and Shadows" Lioness and I are writing another short fic, titled "Piper's Gold" It's set during Midwinter and we meet a member of the Piper's family. Things go awry when that person is kidnapped. (This story will have plot links that lead up to Elkhound). As far as Elkhound is concerned, when i find out more about the story, and when i have a bit more plotted out, i will write a version of Elkhound. HOWEVER, i am considering calling it Wolfhound, because most people know what a wolfhound looks like. Not many people have a clue what an elkhound is, and i much prefer wolfhound anyway. (She caught the 'big, bad, wolf'--get it? Never mind). Anyway, so yeah, that's "In the works."(NOTE) I heard recently that Pierce's version of the third book is working under the title "Mastiff" now. I'm still using Wolfhound. Also in the works, is my story which continue's Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Trilogy. Set after Eldest, "Elhana" takes up Eragon's tasks of rescuing Katrina and the quest to retrieve the Last-Egg from Galbatorix. In the back of his mind, Eragon worries about Angela's Prophecy, the new Dwarf-King, the future of the Dragon's (and Dragon-riders), and his brother Murtagh. Just when his plate can't be full enough, Eragon starts having odd dreams about the death of Vrael which lead Eragon and Saphira towards the Spine, Palancar Valley, and a secret no one expected. (OMG, just finished Brisingr. That shit was awful!) (If this works, this is TUNIVOR and RAYA, AMIRON, SHRUIKAN (2), GLAEDR, and THORN). If the Tunivor Link doesnt work, which i'll admit, its having some trouble doing so... try THIS LINK, and click Hobsyllwin...or if the Shruikan link is being silly...THIS LINK, picture: "the Guardian" OR THIS LINK picture: "Unleashed"... although any black dragon on that site is scary enough to be shruikan... After that. I may get started on my OWN story. I'll be done, lickety split! See you on the New York Times Bestseller list! I am just playing with you. After Eragon, I will go wherever the winds take me. By that time I may have something for Cassie Clare or Rick Riordan. Or maybe a tvseries fanfic...Oh well! Kiss Kiss, darlings, ta-ta! |