Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Hello to you who have visited my profile! It is a profile lacking in much, but not without the essentials. Those being in my opinion, the following: 1) a greeting. (see above) 2) a statment of thanks: Thank you to all who have read my stories, and an even bigger thank you to those who have reviewed them. 3) a few boring, and vague statements about me as a person, that you will all no doubt skim over, but I will not be offended by these actions so never fear: - I am Australian, living in Melbourne with my husband (David) and our black cat who is aptly named "Sirius". - I am in my late twenties, and no I am not ashamed that I still read and write fanfiction. It's fun. - I really enjoy cooking and baking, and I work in the Event Industry in Sales and Marketing. - I love Harry Potter. A lot. - I have combined Anxiety and Depression and I find writing very therapeutic. - I have no patience for stupid people. And by that I do not mean people of little intelligence, I mean people who knowingly choose to not use whatever intelligence they have. - I have not been on for a VERY long time, but I am excited to get back into it. I apologise to those I disappointed by disappearing for several years. 4) a disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Which at the time of writing, is the only world in which I delve to write fanfiction. I also feel I should credit 'Kathryn's Nom de Plume' who's fanfic 'Every Other Midnight' is actually amazing, and I know that I must unconsciously take ideas and character traits from it, without meaning to. I'm hoping that she takes this as a compliment and doesn't think I'm stealing things. I don't mean to- I just feel like the Maurauders that I have come to know and love and write about, have become the same ones that she writes. If you haven't read her fic- read it. 5) a goodbye of sorts: Thank you all again for reading, and of course for visiting my profile. You are wonderful. Goodbye. PS- reviewing isn't compulsory, but for any of you who have ever posted a fic on here, you will know the jolt of excitement you receive every time someone DOES review your fic... so please, hit 'review' at the end of reading anything on here, and give someone in the world a smile. |